Barcelona’s firefighters await you at the city’s markets!

Barcelona’s firefighters are returning to the city’s municipal markets with Prevenim!, the educational vehicle used to promote advice on prevention and self-protection in the case of household fires.

01/07/2024 - 08:00 h - Security and prevention Ajuntament de Barcelona

The vehicle includes the most common firefighting and rescue equipment, as well as screens for videos with advice on preventing fires at home and self-protection.

Firefighters will be providing members of the public with information, with advice on how to avoid fires in the home and what to do if one breaks out.

The Prevenim! vehicle will be at various city markets all through the year, from 10 am to 1 pm. The sessions scheduled for July are:

  • Mercat del Besòs: Friday, 5 de July
  • Mercat de la Concepció: Friday, 12 July
  • Mercat de Ciutat Meridiana: Friday, 19 July

There will be no visits in August.

Remember that besides following advice on prevention, wherever there is a fire risk you should call the 112 emergency number.