Registration period open for the 30th Barcelona Road Safety Forum

The 30th Barcelona Road Safety Forum is being held at the CaixaForum in Barcelona on 3 December, under the title “Artificial intelligence: challenges for road safety”.

Trànsit dens pels carrils centrals de la gran via de les Corts Catalanes amb cotxes i motocicletes. Autora: Mariona Gil
18/11/2024 - 11:41 h - Security and prevention Ajuntament de Barcelona

Artificial intelligence (AI) has started to have a key role in road safety, offering innovative solutions that should help reduce accidents, improve traffic efficiency and make for safer main roads.

There are several advantages, but at the same time AI poses some important questions over legal responsibility in the case of accidents, challenges relating to technological reliability, cybersecurity and data protection.

The 30th Barcelona Road Safety Forum  aims to share different perspectives, both technical and ethical, analysing the challenges posed by AI and which involve administrations and citizens alike. Anybody interested in attending can do so by signing up in advance here.