07/11/2024 - 16:12 h Interculturality Speaking out against racism
Barcelona presents the campaign “Voices against racism”, with sixty activities in November and through to the middle of December to generate debate and reflection and get people involved in the fight against racism.
14/11/2024 - 08:06 h Barcelona’s religious communities stand against racism and discrimination
Free activity: two round tables on 27 November at the Pati Llimona Civic Centre. Prior booking required.
05/11/2024 - 13:21 h Interculturality #Barxiluna marks 50 years of the first Muslim oratorio in Barcelona
The activity is being held in the Sala Moragues at El Born CCM on 15 November.
31/10/2024 - 13:34 h Presentation and conversation with entities: Anti-racism from the perspective of othering and belonging
With inclusion and social justice as basic premises, his work has influenced movements such as Black Lives Matter.
Espais de participació
Els consells de participació són òrgans consultius i de participació de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona que tenen la finalitat de fomentar la igualtat de drets de diferents col·lectius de la ciutat.
Butlletí Programa Barcelona Interculturalitat
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