Tree management
In Barcelona, there are:
different tree species
Each one contributes its own colour, foliage, and scent, giving the city a unique landscape. And they all help improve environmental conditions and urban quality of life.
In that sense, the Barcelona’s trees are the city's most important green asset. Consequently, their management, which is vital, is based on sustainability principles and carefully planned measures to ensure their quality, diversity, and suitability for the urban environment.
Tree management ensures that all interventions enhance their vegetative quality and promote biodiversity, while also ensuring that they develop in a healthy and safe manner for the environment.
Tree pruning
Our pruning management focuses on allowing trees to grow while always respecting their natural form whenever possible, because trees:
- Clean the city's air (they help eliminate pollutants).
- Provide shade and help absorb the noise made by vehicles on the road.
- Are places of shelter for birds and insects.
We therefore whenever possible, let trees grow as it promotes people's health and helps to reduce pollution and the effects of climate change.
Nevertheless, as long as it does not pose any risk or inconvenience, they are pruned on average every five years.
Tree risk management plan
All the trees in Barcelona city are inspected at least once every two years according to the Tree Risk Management Plan. Each tree or palm has a record with an identification number and information about its characteristics, which helps maintain control over all the trees.
The review includes a visual inspection of the tree or palm to assess its condition and determine if any action is needed (these inspections are conducted alongside other tree maintenance tasks).
If anomalies are detected during the inspection, the necessary corrective actions or the removal of the specimen are scheduled. If no issues are detected, the specimen will be inspected again in two years. Thanks to the implementation of this plan, over 1,500 trees are replaced each year.