Technological news compiled from 01/15/2024 to 02/20/2024

Compilation of updates related to the release of applications and technological trends.

20/02/2024 - 12:00 h

In these days, we have wanted to gather a series of information that we find relevant in the sector we are in. Some of them may affect the Mobile Services Office Service.


  • Firebase provides facilities to integrate AI into apps.
  • The beta of iOS 17.4 brings a controversial novelty: progressive web apps (PWAs) are no longer compatible.
  • Google is working to give developers more options to report updates to their applications.

Europe requires bank transfers to be instant and free

The European Union has given the green light to a new law that will require all banks in its member states to offer instant and free bank transfers.


Catalonia will impose mobile restrictions in the school environment

Following the model of other autonomous communities, Catalonia will impose restrictions on the use of mobile devices during the next school year.


Europe strengthens the “right to repair”

In the legislation presented by the European Parliament, manufacturers will have to extend the warranty by an extra 12 months if the product has been repaired within this time.


Firebase – Gemini API

With this API and related Firebase extensions, AI use cases can be easily implemented.


iOS 17.3 Updates

An update with few significant novelties, notably those related to security.


iOS 17.4: Install apps outside the App Store but not PWAs

Imposed by the European Union, this version will be able to install apps outside the App Store, but, at least for now and in Europe, progressive web apps (PWAs) cannot be installed.


 iOS and App Store – Changes in apps distributed in the European Union

To comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Apple has made changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store. Among them, changes in the analytics data provided by the App Store.


App Store – Xcode 15 Requirement for iOS 17

From April 29, apps uploaded to the App Store Connect must be built with Xcode 15 for iOS 17.


Google Play Console – Tool to prompt users to update the app

A configurable tool from the Google Play Console, which can display a reminder to users each time they open the app informing them that there is a new version.
