Technology news compiled from 17/03/2023 to 11/04/2023

11/04/2023 - 08:51 h

Over the last few days, we have compiled a series of news items that we consider to be relevant to our sector. Some of them may affect the Service Desk service on mobile phones.


  • Comparison of results between Bard and other AIs.
  • Italy bans ChatGPT
  • Prominent tech figures call for a pause in AI training.
  • Version 16.4 for iOS has been released, and you can view the list of new features.
  • A new requirement has been announced for Android, to provide more transparency and give users more control over their account data.

ChatGPT/IA news

News from Bard, Microsoft’s AI. Italy blocks ChatGPT, and personalities from the tech world call for a halt in the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.


Microsoft is developing a store as an alternative to Google Play and the App Store

Microsoft wants to take advantage of the Digital Markets Act (DMA).


Xcode 14.1 or higher for publishing apps to the App Store

As of 25 April, apps submitted to the App Store for iOS, iPadOS and watchOS must be built with Xcode 14.1 or higher.


News on iOS 16.4

List of new features in iOs 16.4, including web push notifications.


Common problems with new iOS versions: 16.4

There are always temporary performance and battery issues with every new iOS update, caused by maintenance work running in the background.


Give users greater transparency and control over their account data

For apps that allow account creation, developers will be required to provide an option to create and delete the account both from within the app and online.


Reduce app uninstalls with auto-archive

Apps that use App Bundle to publish have an auto-archive feature available, which can reduce the number of uninstalls.
