With Javier Codesal and Valentín Roma
Thursady, 17 February, 7 p.m.
Espai 4. Free entry, limited places
The relationships between literature and cinema have been discussed many times since the beginning of the last century and are now being debated again in the context of current art. Artists, curators and institutions find reasons in this field to relocate their works and address other issues from the perspective of the dynamics generated between languages. On this basis, Valentín Roma and Javier Codesal will talk about the relationship between image and writing with regard to Codesal’s last two books and his audiovisual work.
The video Retrato de Francisco del Río (35´, 2014) will be shown, and extracts from the books Textos de obra (2020) and Retrato y otro (2021), both published by Libros de la Resistencia, will be read.