Presentation of the book 'Working dead. Escenarios del postrabajo'
Where: Palau de la Virreina
La Rambla, 99

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Presentation of the book 'Working dead. Escenarios del postrabajo'

Presentation of the book 'Working dead. Escenarios del postrabajo'
Marta Echaves, Antonio Gómez Villar and María Ruido


Thursday 24 October 2019 at 7.00 pm. Virreina Auditorium, Floor 0
Free entrance. Limited places

In 2017, in answer to a proposal put forward by the management of La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, weMarta Echaves, Antonio Gómez Villar and María Ruidostarted thinking about a project that would reflect back over our increasingly bad working conditions and how the division of labour itself shaped our lives and was inextricably enmeshed with the forms of government that radically influence our existence.

The concept of work has undergone many changes over the course of history; changes that are brought on by numerous factors that position us in a relationship with the different economic models in force, but are also linked to variations in the manner of being, feeling and thinking of the human being.

Taking these decisive transformations as a starting point, this book sets out to penetrate the variable geographies of the new make-up of labour, opening up different debates, issues and questions that will enable us to address changes in the composition of the workforce, the dynamics of capitalist appreciation, lines of conflict and processes of constituting subjectivities.