Presentation of the graphic novel 'En las entrañas de la bestia'
Where: Palau de la Virreina
La Rambla, 99

Previous activities / Seminars and talks

En las entrañas de la bestia

Presentation of the graphic novel 'En las entrañas de la bestia'
Ángela Bonadies and Manel Fontdevila


Thursday 2 June, 7 pm
Espai 4. Free entry. Limited places

We will be presenting for the first time the printed comic En las entrañas de la bestia together with Manel Fontdevila. His practice and experience will form the basis of our conversation. We will be discussing censorship and the forms it takes, the reasons why we embark on creating a graphic novel and how one is constructed.


Ángela Bonadies (Caracas, 1970). Her photographic work is centred on memory, the archive, the visibility and invisibility of social structures and the tension that exists between the urban and rural worlds. Her writings are based on travel and photographic notes combined with readings, recollections, dreams, news and everyday findings.

Manel Fontdevila (Manresa, 1965). After a spell spent in various comics in the 1990s, in 1995 he went to work for El Jueves, for which he created the ‘La Parejita’ and ‘Para ti, que eres joven’ series, as well as a cover that was condemned by Spain’s national court, the Audiencia Nacional. He left the magazine in 2014. He began to produce a daily cartoon for the print edition of Público in 2007 and has been doing the same for since 2012. He has published some thirty humour books and comics.