Dates: 22/08/1970 - 22/08/1970

Venue: Sants Montjuïc district headquarters and Biblioteca Francesc Candel

The Cooperativa Model del Segle XX and Sants’ architectural heritage. 100 years of changes in a cooperative space
Thursday, 15 February, 7 pm
A talk given by Marta Sánchez Natera, a specialist in heritage conservation, restoration and management.
Where: Sants-Montjuïc district headquarters (Carrer de la Creu Coberta, 104). Sala Anselm Cartañà.

Francoist symbols in Sants-Montjuïc. Housing and fascist propaganda
Wednesday, 21 February, 7 pm
A talk given by Alfons Vidal Taboada, the historian.
Where: Biblioteca Francesc Candel (Carrer d’Amnistia Internacional, 10).

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