H100 - Finances (1828-2010)

The Finance records section refers to the local authority activity dealing with the provision of monetary funds and their allocation and distribution between the various public activities and administrative units. A large part of the documentation generated as a result of managing municipal finances between 1821 and the 1930s is classified under the heading A182, which corresponds to the documents of the Finance Committee, one of the three standing committees forming local authority organisation in that period.

H105 / H122 - Drafting and overall management of the budget (1838-1995)

Records referring to drawing up, approving and managing the municipal budgets in all its forms (ordinary, extraordinary, special and investments).

H153 - Accounting ledgers (1865-1994)

Books and documents that record all account flows, that is, the various entries for controlling the inflows and outflows from the municipal treasury that result from applying the legislation on local finances in force at any given time (cash ledgers, daily income and expenditure ledgers, cash flow registers and others).

H127 - Income orders (1932-2010)

Economic files that the various bodies create to record income arising from the exercise of their powers or their activities. Accounting documents generated by an inflow of money into the municipal treasury.

H136 - Tax registers (1931-1988)

Lists used for managing and controlling the collection of general taxes, excise taxes, municipal taxes and fines.

H124 - Tax collection (1828-1992)

Records generated by municipal tax activity, which involves collecting general taxes, excise taxes, municipal taxes and fines that fall within their remit.

H150 - Payment orders (1932-2010)

Accounting documents and economic files that the various municipal bodies produce to control expenditure arising from their activities and the exercise of their powers, especially those generated by an outflow of money from the municipal treasury. [The records kept are the result of applying sampling techniques to this temporary preservation series in accordance with the rulings issued by the Municipal Committee for Sorting and Removing Documents and the National Committee for Assessing and Sorting Documents.] [Records previously in the A182 series are kept here.]

H139 - Administrative procurement (1946-2007)

Assistance, services, works, supplies and other procurements files, and their approval, in accordance with a prior administrative contract, which include, among other things, the corresponding expenditure and, if applicable, the specific administrative clauses governing the contract.