Victòria dels Àngels

Tot semblava tan senzill

Pep Gorgori
Co-edition with
Ficta Edicions i produccions
People of Barcelona

Soprano Victòria dels Àngels (1923-2005) reigned in theatres around the world and this is her first biography, prepared by studying her personal and professional documents. The thorough work of Pep Gorgori now allows us to discover a woman, Victòria dels Àngels López García (or Tori as she usually signed letters to the family), who surprises and fascinates us perhaps even more than the artist we thought we knew. This book combines a rigorous analysis of the sources with the clear desire to captivate readers, whether music lovers or those who simply want to discover a unique 20th century artistic personality.

The narrative of her life with all its complexity is, in fact, a tribute to a generation of women who, during the post-war period, endured hardship, gender discrimination and often their own husbands. The shadows reveal the story of all those women. The lights show the story of the most human of all divas. It is also the story of a complex century: sad yet vibrant, dramatic and beautiful. The soprano never forgot her roots but did not allow this awareness to clip her wings. Victòria dels Àngels rebelled precisely by making her music ring out above everything else.


What are them saying

"Una completa i sensible biografia de Victoria de los Ángeles que arriba molt oportunament l’any que es commemora el centenari de la soprano i que ofereix una estimulant novetat: Gorgori ha tingut l’oportunitat de realitzar per primera vegada una recerca exhaustiva a partir de l’arxiu personal de la cantant."

NÚVOL | Meritxell Tena 17/06/2024

"Entrevistem a Pep Gorgori, amb el qual ens endinsarem en les planes del seu llibre per conèixer a fons la cantant, però també i sobre tot la persona que hi havia darrere d'aquesta veu prodigiosa."

Ràdio 4 | L'HORA CLÀSSICA 15/04/2024

Pep Gorgori

Journalist and musicologist. He currently presents L'hora clàssica on radio RNE4 with Marga Lluch; he collaborates with Radio Clásica, and is the specialist journalist and music critic for the ABC newspaper in Catalonia. Having worked in Madrid and London, throughout his career he has collaborated with the likes of Cadena SER, RAC1, Revista Musical Catalana and Scherzo. He studied at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of La Rioja, and also has a master in Music Management from Goldsmiths (University of London). Pep Gorgori is currently preparing his doctoral thesis on musical interpretation with historicist criteria in 20th century Barcelona, focusing on the group Ars Musicae with which Victòria dels Àngels began her career.

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Year: 2024
  • Pages: 268
  • Edition: 1
  • Cover: Semi Hardcover
  • Format: 22 x 14 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-589-5
  • Publishing ISBN: 978-84-126305-6-5



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