Don’t miss the presentation of 'Barcelona'
On March 26th at the Museum of History of Barcelona - El Born - Sala Moragues, Barcelona will be presented, a book that explores over a century of the city’s history through images. A tribute to its cultural, architectural, and social evolution.
We present the book 'El Rebombori del Pa'
The book brings back a forgotten episode of Barcelona's history and highlights the role of women in social struggles. With the presence of Councilor Raquel Gil Eiroá, author Isabel Segura i Soriano invites us to reflect on historical memory and collective mobilizations.
El Rebombori del Pa Giveaway
We celebrate #8M by giving away El Rebombori del Pa, which recalls a revolt led by women in 1789 due to the rising price of this essential food. The 3 winners will receive a copy of the book.
We present the book 'El retorn de Néstor Almendros'
Guided by its author, Laura Gavaldà, and Jaume Peracaula, The Return of Néstor Almendros is an intimate, cinematic journey through the life of the Oscar-winning cinematographer. Between exile and creation, the book preserves his memory and legacy.
Presentation of the book The Papers of Tierno Galván
Don't miss the presentation of the book The Papers of Tierno Galván by author Àlex Masllorens, with the presence of Mayor Jaume Collboni, which explores the political and intellectual legacy of Tierno Galván through research in his personal archive.
Barcelona Llibres leaves X
The City Council of Barcelona is leaving the social network X. As a result, the Barcelona Llibres profile on X is inactive. From now on, you can find us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, the Barcelona Llibres website, and the Barcelona Llibres newsletter.
Puja amb nosaltres!
More than fifty workers from the Youth Department during the early years of democracy have recounted that collective experience in a collaborative book. Download the ebook for free.
We present the book 'Pere Falqués'
We invite you to discover Pere Falqués, municipal architect during the Modernist era, guided by historian Joan Molet. The book presentation also featured Maria Buhigas, chief architect of the Barcelona City Council, and architect Marina Povedano.
New Barcelona Llibres catalog
Coinciding with La Setmana del Llibre en Català, we are launching a new catalog with a wealth of editorial novelties! You can pick up the paper version at the municipal bookstore, Sala Ciutat (c. Ciutat, 2).
Tierno Galván, Pere Calders, Pi i Margall and Pere Falqués, protagonists of the autumn novelties
We begin the term with a dozen editorial novelties, among which four key figures stand out for understanding our history and culture.
Book search
El Rebombori del Pa. Barcelona 1789
Isabel Segura Soriano
Maya Deren. Una cadència d’imatges
Ainize González García , David Martínez Fiol , Edwidge Danticat , Gboyega Kolawole , Mercè Bolló and Tim James Morris
Barcelona Besòs. Current ecologies
Adolf Sotoca and Diversos autors
Matter Matters
Olga Subirós and Diversos autors
Barcelona. Retrat d'una ciutat
Diversos autors , Ricardo Feriche and Isabel Coixet
Catàleg d’escultura, pintura i medalla dels segles XIX i XX
Albert Estrada-Rius , Cristina Rodríguez and Esther Alsina Galofré
El retorn de Néstor Almendros
Laura Gavaldà Mestre
Darrere les persianes
Isabel Franc , Rosa Navarro and Maria Giralt
32 bèsties. Bestiari de Barcelona
Laia Berloso and Nico Alonso
Atles MUHBA d’història de Barcelona
MUHBA , Joan Roca Albert and Diversos autors
Puja amb nosaltres!
Txema Castiella Viu and Diversos autors
Pere Falqués, l'arquitecte municipal de la Barcelona modernista
Joan Molet i Petit and Isabel Coll Mirabent
Llums i silencis. Luces y silencios. La Barcelona de Frederic Lloveras
Frederic Lloveras , Lluís Permanyer Lladós , Enric Comas Parer , Bernat Puigdollers , Frederic Lloveras i Homs and Jordi Curell
Park Güell and its origins, 1894-1926
Mireia Freixa Serra and Mar Leniz Sánchez
Pere Calders. Escriptor i dibuixant
Julià Guillamon
L'arrencada del ferrocarril a Barcelona, 1800-1850
Ferran Armengol Ferrer
El Rebombori del Pa. Barcelona 1789
“Y quien empesso toda la bulla fueron las mugeres”
Isabel Segura Soriano
Maya Deren. Una cadència d’imatges
Ainize González García , David Martínez Fiol , Edwidge Danticat , Gboyega Kolawole , Mercè Bolló and Tim James Morris
Matter Matters
Dissenyar amb el món
Olga Subirós and Diversos autors
Barcelona. Retrat d'una ciutat
Diversos autors , Ricardo Feriche and Isabel Coixet
Catàleg d’escultura, pintura i medalla dels segles XIX i XX
Fons del Museu Frederic Marès/7
Albert Estrada-Rius , Cristina Rodríguez and Esther Alsina Galofré
El retorn de Néstor Almendros
Vida, èxits i anhels d'una superestrella de Barcelona
Laura Gavaldà Mestre
Darrere les persianes
Breu història de les lesbianes a Barcelona
Isabel Franc , Rosa Navarro and Maria Giralt
32 bèsties. Bestiari de Barcelona
Coneix la història del bestiari dels barris de la ciutat. Pinta les 32 bèsties i munta en 3D les del Seguici Popular
Laia Berloso and Nico Alonso
Atles MUHBA d’història de Barcelona
MUHBA , Joan Roca Albert and Diversos autors
Puja amb nosaltres!
L’Àrea de Joventut de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona (1979-1988)
Txema Castiella Viu and Diversos autors
Pere Falqués, l'arquitecte municipal de la Barcelona modernista
Joan Molet i Petit and Isabel Coll Mirabent
Llums i silencis. Luces y silencios. La Barcelona de Frederic Lloveras
Aquarel·les 1953-1959
Frederic Lloveras , Lluís Permanyer Lladós , Enric Comas Parer , Bernat Puigdollers , Frederic Lloveras i Homs and Jordi Curell
Park Güell and its origins, 1894-1926
Mireia Freixa Serra and Mar Leniz Sánchez
Pere Calders. Escriptor i dibuixant
Julià Guillamon
L'arrencada del ferrocarril a Barcelona, 1800-1850
Del canal en sec de la Rambla al carril de Mataró
Ferran Armengol Ferrer
Latest presentation

Carlos Zanón, signing his book at the presentation at Fabra i Coats

Presentation of "Estimada Collserola" at Can Verdaguer, with its author, Raúl Deamo.

From left to right: Raquel Gil Eiroá (Councilor for Feminism, Equality, and Democratic Memory), Carles García Hermosilla (Director of the Museum of History of Barcelona), Isabel Segura i Soriano (author of the book), and Clàudia Pujol (journalist).


From left to right, José Luis de Vicente (director of the Design Museum – DHUB), Olga Subirós (curator of the exhibition), and Ricardo Devesa (editor of the book).

Book presentation. From left to right, Clara Guasch, Pilar Cortada, Ramón Úbeda, Blanca Pujals, José Luis de Vicente, Olga Subirós, Ricardo Devesa, Isabel Fernández, and Cristina Nogué.

Laura Gavaldà, author of the book.

Presentation of El retorn de Néstor Almendros at the Comanegra publishing house. From left to right, Jaume Peracaula, cinematographer and friend of Néstor Almendros, and Laura Gavaldà, author of the book.

From left to right, Manuela Carmena (former mayor of Madrid), Jaume Collboni (mayor of Barcelona), and Neus Tomàs (journalist at ElDiari).

From left to right, Dolors Camats (director of the Catalunya Europa Foundation), Àlex Masllorens (author of the book), and Neus Tomàs (journalist at ElDiari).

Mayor Jaume Collboni concludes the book launch event at the La Fontana youth center.

The Mayor greets Enric Truñó, former councilor of the Youth Department.

Photo of the participants.

From left to right, the architect Marina Povedano; the author of the book, historian Joan Molet; and Maria Buhigas, chief architect of the Barcelona City Council.

From left to right, the architect Marina Povedano; the author of the book, historian Joan Molet; and Maria Buhigas, chief architect of the Barcelona City Council.

From left to right: Jordi Barceloneta, contributor to La Pluma; João França, co-author of the book; and Mar Sifré, director of the magazine Orgull.

The book reproduces the six issues of the magazine La Pluma.

Presentation of L'Hidra del federalisme at the Arús Library. From left to right: Pere Gabriel i Sirvent, Emeritus Professor of Contemporary History (UAB); Jaume Montés Mora, predoctoral researcher (UB) and one of the authors of the book; and Anna Costal i Fornells, PhD (UAB) and professor at ESMUC.

Ana Montserrat and Marta Barceló, authors of the book.

Journalist Montse Virgili interviews the authors: Ana Montserrat and Marta Barceló. In the front, on the right, Raquel Gil Eiroá, Councillor for Feminism, Equality, and Democratic Memory

The book is the catalog of the exhibition of the same name that took place at El Born in 2024.

From left to right: Javier Rodrigo, Jordi Font and Marta Marín-Dòmine.
The stand was inspired by the book Barcelona esgrafiada, which portrays the tattooed facades of the city.
Book exhibition at our stand.

The sketchers Jaume Jané, Swasky, and Lluïsot.

Presentation by the president of the urban sketchers association.
Barcelona Llibres stand at the Week of the Catalan Book on Lluís Companys promenade.
2025 catalog of Barcelona Llibres, at La Setmana.

Grandson and son of Francesc Català-Roca at the exhibition, in front of the photographer's portrait.

Audience at the Golferichs Civic Center exhibition viewing the book La pell de Barcelona.
From left to right: Carles Cols, journalist; Lluís Duran, author of the book; and Joan Casadevall, from Gabinet de Color.

Valentín Roma (left), director of La Virreina-Centre de la Imatge, and Isabel Segura, author of the book.

The presentation took place at Espai 4 of La Virreina-Centre de la Imatge.

From left to right: Montse Virgili, journalist; Ana Montserrat, author of the book; and Marta Barceló, illustrator.

Presentation within the framework of the Science Festival 2024.

Presentation of "La pell de Barcelona" at the Agrupació Fotogràfica de Catalunya. With Joan Ricart, editor of Grup Enciclopèdia; Lluís Permanyer, city chronicler; Laura Tarré, commissioner of the #AnyCatalàRoca; and Andreu Català, son of the photographer.

From left to right: David Castillo, coordinator of the Barcelona Secreta collection from Barcelona Llibres; Josep Maria Ripoll, author of the anthology of the book—which is a compilation of articles by Claudi Montañá; and Miqui Puig, musician.

Presentation of "Estoy hablando de mi generación," by Claudi Montañá, at La Conxita bookstore.

The presentation took place at the Palau de la Música.

From left to right: Mercedes Conde, Deputy Artistic Director of the Palau de la Música; Pep Gorgori, author of the book; and Helena Mora, president of the Victoria de los Ángeles Foundation.

Albert Guinovart, regular pianist of Victòria dels Àngels, and soprano Montserrat Seró.

Chamo San, left, and Lapin (right) at the presentation at Jaimes bookstore.

The presentation of Sketching Barcelona was held at the Jaimes bookstore in front of a large audience.

Sketching Barcelona, de Lapin, in catalan.
Barcelona Llibres stand on Passeig de Gràcia.
Handing over a bag from Barcelona llibres.
Barcelona Llibres stand on Passeig de Gràcia.
Ester Boquera teaches the Auca del noi català, anti-fascist and human.
Journalist Anna Guitart interviews the epilogists of the book, Ester Boquera and Pilar Vélez, and the curator of the Barcelona Beceroles collection, Oblit Baseiria.

The Barcelona City Council's stand was located inside La Capella of the MACBA.

Carlos Zanón and the journalist Francesc Delgado.

Carlos Zanón.

Carlos Zanón, signing his book at the presentation at Fabra i Coats

Presentation of "Estimada Collserola" at Can Verdaguer, with its author, Raúl Deamo.

From left to right: Raquel Gil Eiroá (Councilor for Feminism, Equality, and Democratic Memory), Carles García Hermosilla (Director of the Museum of History of Barcelona), Isabel Segura i Soriano (author of the book), and Clàudia Pujol (journalist).


From left to right, José Luis de Vicente (director of the Design Museum – DHUB), Olga Subirós (curator of the exhibition), and Ricardo Devesa (editor of the book).

Book presentation. From left to right, Clara Guasch, Pilar Cortada, Ramón Úbeda, Blanca Pujals, José Luis de Vicente, Olga Subirós, Ricardo Devesa, Isabel Fernández, and Cristina Nogué.

Laura Gavaldà, author of the book.

Presentation of El retorn de Néstor Almendros at the Comanegra publishing house. From left to right, Jaume Peracaula, cinematographer and friend of Néstor Almendros, and Laura Gavaldà, author of the book.

From left to right, Manuela Carmena (former mayor of Madrid), Jaume Collboni (mayor of Barcelona), and Neus Tomàs (journalist at ElDiari).

From left to right, Dolors Camats (director of the Catalunya Europa Foundation), Àlex Masllorens (author of the book), and Neus Tomàs (journalist at ElDiari).

Mayor Jaume Collboni concludes the book launch event at the La Fontana youth center.

The Mayor greets Enric Truñó, former councilor of the Youth Department.

Photo of the participants.

From left to right, the architect Marina Povedano; the author of the book, historian Joan Molet; and Maria Buhigas, chief architect of the Barcelona City Council.

From left to right, the architect Marina Povedano; the author of the book, historian Joan Molet; and Maria Buhigas, chief architect of the Barcelona City Council.

From left to right: Jordi Barceloneta, contributor to La Pluma; João França, co-author of the book; and Mar Sifré, director of the magazine Orgull.

The book reproduces the six issues of the magazine La Pluma.

Presentation of L'Hidra del federalisme at the Arús Library. From left to right: Pere Gabriel i Sirvent, Emeritus Professor of Contemporary History (UAB); Jaume Montés Mora, predoctoral researcher (UB) and one of the authors of the book; and Anna Costal i Fornells, PhD (UAB) and professor at ESMUC.

Ana Montserrat and Marta Barceló, authors of the book.

Journalist Montse Virgili interviews the authors: Ana Montserrat and Marta Barceló. In the front, on the right, Raquel Gil Eiroá, Councillor for Feminism, Equality, and Democratic Memory

The book is the catalog of the exhibition of the same name that took place at El Born in 2024.

From left to right: Javier Rodrigo, Jordi Font and Marta Marín-Dòmine.
The stand was inspired by the book Barcelona esgrafiada, which portrays the tattooed facades of the city.
Book exhibition at our stand.

The sketchers Jaume Jané, Swasky, and Lluïsot.

Presentation by the president of the urban sketchers association.
Barcelona Llibres stand at the Week of the Catalan Book on Lluís Companys promenade.
2025 catalog of Barcelona Llibres, at La Setmana.

Grandson and son of Francesc Català-Roca at the exhibition, in front of the photographer's portrait.

Audience at the Golferichs Civic Center exhibition viewing the book La pell de Barcelona.
From left to right: Carles Cols, journalist; Lluís Duran, author of the book; and Joan Casadevall, from Gabinet de Color.

Valentín Roma (left), director of La Virreina-Centre de la Imatge, and Isabel Segura, author of the book.

The presentation took place at Espai 4 of La Virreina-Centre de la Imatge.

From left to right: Montse Virgili, journalist; Ana Montserrat, author of the book; and Marta Barceló, illustrator.

Presentation within the framework of the Science Festival 2024.

Presentation of "La pell de Barcelona" at the Agrupació Fotogràfica de Catalunya. With Joan Ricart, editor of Grup Enciclopèdia; Lluís Permanyer, city chronicler; Laura Tarré, commissioner of the #AnyCatalàRoca; and Andreu Català, son of the photographer.

From left to right: David Castillo, coordinator of the Barcelona Secreta collection from Barcelona Llibres; Josep Maria Ripoll, author of the anthology of the book—which is a compilation of articles by Claudi Montañá; and Miqui Puig, musician.

Presentation of "Estoy hablando de mi generación," by Claudi Montañá, at La Conxita bookstore.

The presentation took place at the Palau de la Música.

From left to right: Mercedes Conde, Deputy Artistic Director of the Palau de la Música; Pep Gorgori, author of the book; and Helena Mora, president of the Victoria de los Ángeles Foundation.

Albert Guinovart, regular pianist of Victòria dels Àngels, and soprano Montserrat Seró.

Chamo San, left, and Lapin (right) at the presentation at Jaimes bookstore.

The presentation of Sketching Barcelona was held at the Jaimes bookstore in front of a large audience.

Sketching Barcelona, de Lapin, in catalan.
Barcelona Llibres stand on Passeig de Gràcia.
Handing over a bag from Barcelona llibres.
Barcelona Llibres stand on Passeig de Gràcia.
Ester Boquera teaches the Auca del noi català, anti-fascist and human.
Journalist Anna Guitart interviews the epilogists of the book, Ester Boquera and Pilar Vélez, and the curator of the Barcelona Beceroles collection, Oblit Baseiria.

The Barcelona City Council's stand was located inside La Capella of the MACBA.

Carlos Zanón and the journalist Francesc Delgado.

Carlos Zanón.

Carlos Zanón, signing his book at the presentation at Fabra i Coats

Presentation of "Estimada Collserola" at Can Verdaguer, with its author, Raúl Deamo.
14/03/2025 - 17:00 h Barcelona hosts the 3rd International Meeting of the Network of Cervantine Cities
The welcome event will take place on 18th March at the Saló de Cent, with the presence of authorities and experts on the works of Cervantes.
12/03/2025 - 17:12 h Culture and leisure Lecture on the architect Pere Falqués i Urpí at the Museu de Badalona
Lecture on Thursday 20 March, at 7.00 pm, at the Museu de Badalona (Plaça de l’Assemblea de Catalunya, no. 1).
10/03/2025 - 19:24 h Feminism-women The 8M – Maria Aurèlia Capmany award 2025 goes to the association Dones amb sal
The association wins the 39th edition of the award for its project “Women in blue: defending women’s rights in the maritime and fishing world”.
07/03/2025 - 14:14 h Culture and leisure, 8M Women's Day We celebrate #8M with a prize draw for 'El Rebombori del Pa', looking back at a women’s revolt
This book looks at one of the least-known episodes in the history of Barcelona and makes the case for women’s role in the social construction of the city.
Related webs

Sala Ciutat
Sala Ciutat sits next to the old Gothic façade of Barcelona City Hall. There, you will find books published by Barcelona City Council and the city’s museums and cultural centres.

Municipal visual identity guidelines
The aim of these guidelines is to make all users of Barcelona City Council’s visual identity aware of the ways it can be applied and its different versions.

Barcelona Metròpolis magazine
Barcelona Metròpolis is a magazine founded in 1986 and published by Barcelona City Council. It deals with cultural, urban planning and social issues relevant to the city.

Open Knowledge Repository
Consult Barcelona City Council’s Open Knowledge Repository (including decrees, government measures, scientific literature, plans, etc.) and image bank.

Barcelona, City of Literature
General information. Literary promotion. Libraries and reading. The publishing industry. International. The UNESCO Office.

Barcelona Llibres 2025
Our living catalogue includes more than 400 books – in both physical and digital, free-to-download format – divided into 12 collections.

Sala Ciutat
Sala Ciutat sits next to the old Gothic façade of Barcelona City Hall. There, you will find books published by Barcelona City Council and the city’s museums and cultural centres.

Municipal visual identity guidelines
The aim of these guidelines is to make all users of Barcelona City Council’s visual identity aware of the ways it can be applied and its different versions.

Barcelona Metròpolis magazine
Barcelona Metròpolis is a magazine founded in 1986 and published by Barcelona City Council. It deals with cultural, urban planning and social issues relevant to the city.

Open Knowledge Repository
Consult Barcelona City Council’s Open Knowledge Repository (including decrees, government measures, scientific literature, plans, etc.) and image bank.

Barcelona, City of Literature
General information. Literary promotion. Libraries and reading. The publishing industry. International. The UNESCO Office.

Barcelona Llibres 2025
Our living catalogue includes more than 400 books – in both physical and digital, free-to-download format – divided into 12 collections.

Sala Ciutat
Sala Ciutat sits next to the old Gothic façade of Barcelona City Hall. There, you will find books published by Barcelona City Council and the city’s museums and cultural centres.

Municipal visual identity guidelines
The aim of these guidelines is to make all users of Barcelona City Council’s visual identity aware of the ways it can be applied and its different versions.

Barcelona Metròpolis magazine
Barcelona Metròpolis is a magazine founded in 1986 and published by Barcelona City Council. It deals with cultural, urban planning and social issues relevant to the city.

Open Knowledge Repository
Consult Barcelona City Council’s Open Knowledge Repository (including decrees, government measures, scientific literature, plans, etc.) and image bank.

Barcelona, City of Literature
General information. Literary promotion. Libraries and reading. The publishing industry. International. The UNESCO Office.
Barcelona Llibres Newsletter
You can now subscribe to the new Barcelona Llibres newsletter. You’ll find information on new publications, fairs, events and presentations of our books.
Barcelona Llibres Newsletter
You can now subscribe to the new Barcelona Llibres newsletter. You’ll find information on new publications, fairs, events and presentations of our books.