New release

32 bèsties. Bestiari de Barcelona

Coneix la història del bestiari dels barris de la ciutat. Pinta les 32 bèsties i munta en 3D les del Seguici Popular

Laia Berloso (Illustrator) and Nico Alonso (Text)

What are these beasts that fill Barcelona’s streets for the big annual festivals of the city and its neighbourhoods? Where do all the dragons, eagles, lions, oxen and mules come from? How much do they weigh? All this and much more can be answered with this play book of Barcelona beasts.

Young and old will find 32 city beasts ready to entertain them for hours. In the folder, there is a block with the beasts to be coloured in. What's more, the eight beasts from the City Procession are in cardboard, so you can assemble them in 3D and play with them. There is also a booklet detailing the history of the beasts.

Carpeta. Bloc encolat: 34 pàg. Llibreta: 78 pàg. 8 peces per muntar

Popular culture

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Year: 2025
  • Pages: 112
  • Edition: 2
  • Cover: En estoig
  • Format: 21 x 24,7 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-374-7
  • Publishing distributor: Xarxa de Llibres



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