The 8M – Maria Aurèlia Capmany award 2025 goes to the association Dones amb sal
Launched by a group of women with a long history in local development, the blue economy and marine sustainability, the association won the 39th edition with their project “Women in blue: defending women’s rights in the maritime and fishing world”. The award carries a monetary prize of 15,000 euros.

The 39th edition of the 8M – Maria Aurèlia Capmany Award, with the slogan “Let’s break precariousness”, values the Dones en blau project for its innovation and promotion of women in a male-dominated sector such as fishing, the value of the city’s maritime history and the backing for the blue economy with a gender perspective in Barcelona.
The project won the award out of a total of 21 candidacies put forward and was chosen for its innovative component in promoting women in a male-dominated sector, as well as for fostering the blue economy with the gender perspective in the city.
This edition of the award, which every year has a different theme to recognise initiatives to defend and promote women’s rights, had the slogan “Let’s break precariousness” and was geared towards supporting projects to combat women’s precariousness in the city of Barcelona, promoting gender equality and better life conditions.
The jury was made up of Pilar Carrasquer Oto, doctor in Sociology specialising in the study of work time, the gender wage divide and the sticky floor, and women’s labour mobility; Mentxu Gutiérrez Jiménez, trade union activist with a trajectory linked to social and labour equality; Fina Rubio Serrano, active since the 70s in feminist and pacifist organisations and founding partner and chair of the Fundació SURT, and Rut Trujillo Domínguez, from the organisations Fundació In Via, representing the Barcelona Women’s Council.