New release

Park Güell and its origins, 1894-1926

Mireia Freixa Serra and Mar Leniz Sánchez

Museu d'Història de Barcelona MUHBA

This book proposes a new look at Park Güell, the place where Antoni Gaudí further expanded his creative range, without divisions between the arts, or between the arts and nature, to act as an urban planner.

Mireia Freixa and Mar Leniz take us inside, through a text and some fascinating images and plans, in the Barcelona of the beginning of the 20th century, where we find a city in full growth, creative and, at the same time, with great social inequalities.

The authors follow in detail the construction of the project by Eusebi Güell and Antoni Gaudí in the Muntanya Pelada. They approach the estate from a registry and administrative point of view, review the Park’s urbanization patterns and show the process that led from the initial residential project to a space closely linked to the life of Güell and Gaudí, as well as the prince and his architect, and finally become a public park.

The work is the result of a careful search of the original sources and does not treat Park Güell in a singular and isolated manner, but as a substantial part of the urban fabric of Barcelona.

Urban Planning
History Museum

What are them saying

"Una inmersión en toda regla a la documentación relacionada con el parque desde su génesis –antes de que la finca fuera adquirida por Eusebi Güell– hasta su conversión en espacio público. La investigación ha aportado más datos inéditos."

Technical Data

  • Publication language: English
  • Also available in: Catalan
  • Year: 2024
  • Pages: 246
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Format: 28,5 x 24 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-618-2
  • Publishing distributor: Xarxa de Llibres



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