New release

Pere Falqués, l'arquitecte municipal de la Barcelona modernista

Joan Molet i Petit and Isabel Coll Mirabent (Prologue)
Co-edition with
Àmbit Serveis Editorials

In this book, Joan Molet presents the work of the architect Pere Falqués i Urpí (1849-1916), Barcelona’s municipal architect during the years of Modernisme.

Following an introduction to the architecture of the period and the life of Falqués, we discover the beginning of his career as the municipal architect in 1874, firstly in his native Sant Andreu de Palomar and later in Sant Martí de Provençals and in Badalona. Next we see his efforts to make a career for himself in Barcelona, winning competitions for the revamp to El Liceu and for the urbanisation of Plaça de Catalunya, and forming part of the select team of architects for the Universal Expo of 1888.

After this, in the most extensive part of the book we discover the work of Falqués as the municipal architect for Barcelona, a position gained in 1889 when he took over from Antoni Rovira i Trias. This is where the author presents and analyses the architect’s major projects, which had to modernise Barcelona and turn it into a large European city: from the electric lighting in Passeig de Gràcia to the construction of the metro tunnels beneath Via Laietana, as well as the construction of new markets, museum facilities, commemorative monuments, new premises, municipal schools and even a frustrated Palau Reial.

Molet does not overlook the major private commissions that Falqués also took on in this period either, such as the Central Catalana d’Electricitat, with a clear industrial character, the houses of Baró de Bonet and Bonaventura Ferrer, where he let his own sumptuous and monumental style flow, described as “cyclopaedic”. In summary, this book invites us to discover a forgotten architect who cultivated a style which is little recognised today and which, in parallel to his modernista colleagues, contributed decisively to the construction of the modern Barcelona.

Urban Planning

What are them saying

"Entrevista a Joan Molet Petit, autor del llibre Pere Falqués, l’arquitecte municipal de la Barcelona modernista"

"Para documentarse, el autor ha buceado en los diferentes archivos municipales de Barcelona y en otros, como el archivo general de palacio de Madrid. El libro incluye numerosos documentos, desde fotografías a alzados y planos originales de Falqués."

"Ha decidido Barcelona por fin rescatar de la penumbra al que fue uno de los apellidos más populares de la ciudad en la última década del siglo XIX y la primera de XX, Pere Falqués, arquitecto municipal, padre de algunas interesantes obras que aún perduran, responsable de algún que otro desaguisado e impulsor de una larga lista de ideas que murieron nada más nacer."

Joan Molet i Petit

(Barcelona, 1966) Senior lecturer in the History of Art Department at the University of Barcelona. He regularly collaborates with universities in the south of France, such as the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès and the University of Pau and the Adour Region. Since 2018, he has been a guest presenter at the Backsteinbaukunst Kongress, organised annually by the Europäisches Zentrum der Backsteinbaukunst e.V. in Wismar (Germany).

As a researcher, he has specialised in nineteenth-century architecture and urban planning in Catalonia and Europe, and in the study and dissemination of eclectic architecture, as well as writing monographs on some of the main architects he has studied, including Elias Rogent, Josep Vilaseca and Pere Falqués. He has also taken an interest in the architectural typologies of the industrial era and in the architecture of universal expositions. On the latter topic, he has been leading a specialist subject in the History of Art bachelor’s degree since 2007. In addition, he was the curator of the exhibition ‘The 1888 Universal Exposition: Barcelona in the Contest of Nations’, as part of the seventeenth Documents Showcase at the Contemporary Municipal Archive.

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Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Year: 2025
  • Pages: 204
  • Cover: Paperback cover flaps
  • Format: 22 x 22 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-600-7
  • Publishing ISBN: 978-84-96645-65-3



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