Història de la literatura catalana Vol. VII
Literatura contemporània (III) Del 1922 al 1959
- Author/s
- Àlex Broch (Book editor), Jordi Castellanos (Volume director), Jordi Marrugat (Volume director) and D. A. (Text)
- Co-edition with
- Enciclopedia Catalana i Editorial Barcino
- Collection
- Barcelona Literary
- Subcollection
Història de la literatura catalana
This seventh volume, Literatura contemporània (III): Del 1922 al 1959, complements the previous volume and is indelibly linked to it. While the Spanish Civil War set an indisputable frontier, this new volume reinterprets the literary synergies of the period. The name and the work of Carles Riba provide an essential reference point for the entire period.
Because of this, the year of his death concludes the chronology of this volume, which starts from 1922 with the crisis of Noucentisme. Authors such as Foix, Pla, Sagarra, Espriu, Rodoreda, Villalonga and Calders are also covered extensively.
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan
- Year: 2021
- Pages: 752
- Cover: Hardcover
- Format: 16,x 24,5 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-371-6
- Publishing ISBN: 978-84-4123-441-3
39.50€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat
Llibreries habituals