Voces caídas del cielo
Historia del exilio judío en Barcelona (1881-1954)
- Author/s
- Manu Valentín
- Co-edition with
- Comanegra
- Collection
- Barcelona City and Neighbourhoods
This book sets out to fill a significant void left by Spanish history and weave together the collective memory of a community of Jewish exiles who fought to establish themselves in Barcelona with barely any support.
Historian Manu Valentín manages to rescue the memory of the protagonists and raises their personal experiences to the level of historic events based on extensive documentation, much of it unpublished (in unconsulted archives), sources that deal with the crises of the exiles in various eras and interviews with the refugees and their descendants.
Civil War
What are them saying
"ara.cat: 'Les famílies jueves que el franquisme va fer desaparèixer de Barcelona'"
Technical Data
- Publication language: Spanish
- Year: 2019
- Pages: 270
- Cover: Paperback
- Format: 16 x 23 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-244-3
- Publishing ISBN: 978-84-18022-03-6
20.00€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat
Llibreries habituals