'Carles Santos. I ara què?' [Carles Santos. And now what?] distils the essence of an unrepeatable figure.
«“Carles Santos. I ara, què?” is a document to be played. Like a piano, it unfolds in our hands and invites us to play its pages, interpreting the textures, the silences and the pauses. As though it were an improvised composition», explains Balló, curator of the exhibition “Carles Santos. I ara, què?”.
The Joan Brossa Foundation and Barcelona City Council have co-published a book linked to the exhibition Carles Santos. I ara, què? [Carles Santos. And now what?] A catalogue, created collectively, that distils the essence of an unrepeatable figure and proposes a journey through the life and work of an unclassifiable creator, the legacy of whom continues to fascinate us with the creative freedom it transmits.
The book is the result of a unique work process and gives a voice to friends, colleagues and teams who worked with the musician during his career,
The embryo of the future Carles Santos archive
According to Lilianna Marín de Mas, editorial coordinator of the publication, memory and contemporaneity come together in this work to begin giving shape to the future archive of Carles Santos, an archive that will enable everyone to learn more about this figure who, for reasons of space and time, they have not yet discovered. “With the thread of Santos-Brossa (the thread of the avant garde, of culture) we have produced a book and we have mapped out lines of knowledge (including friendship)”, she explains. “This is, then, a collective work that has enabled us to bring together the perspectives of all those who have contributed to it”, she adds. “Because there is not a single function, performance or composition that reaches the theatres or the streets without a network like the one we have created to produce this publication”.
We have created what could be known as the Santos network, a group of voices that not only express the experiences, creative processes and critical thought of those that lived and worked with Santos, but which also propose questions for the future, a series of reflections that now form part of the construction of an archive that will enable his work to be catalogued.
Xavier Albertí, Vicenç Altaió, Frederic Amat, Montse Amenós, Inés Borràs, Jordi Colomer, Antoni Comas, Marcelo Expósito, Cesc Gelabert, Joan Antoni Gonzàlez, Manel Guerrero, Barbara Held, Toni Jodar, Anna Llopart, Lluís Nacenta, Marta Oliveres, Nati Romeu, Mariaelena Roqué, Dorothée Selz, Clàudia Schneider, Pepa Torregrossa and Laia Torrents are some of these voices, who have accompanied us when it came to weaving together this great network that we’ve started and which, fragmented, can be found in this catalogue, on the horizontal reading pages. Open the book as though it were a piano and follow the composition of a life dedicated to art and music: the work of Carles Santos.
The book was launched on 3 July on the terrace of the Joan Brossa Foundation.