Barcelona City Council takes part in the cross-border project on durable commerce, COMDUR.
The inclusion of sustainability measures in the management of local commerce is a strategic move for the survival and competitiveness of the sector, as well as an environmental necessity. Society is moving towards the circular economy, with consumers demanding more sustainable services and businesses, and legislation imposing obligatory measures. The project aims to help prepare the sector for the changes which are already coming about.

Because of all this, COMDUR aims to include a wide range of actions with a personalised, scaleable and mentored focus that adapt to the level of maturity of each business and the sub-sector it belongs to. 650 shops and businesses are expected to take part in the project. Full information on the project is available here.
Cross-border project
The COMDUR project has a budget of 1,372,784 euros, jointly funded with 65% coming for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Programa Interreg VI-A Espanya-França-Andorra (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The goal for all POCTEFA-funded projects is to strengthen the social and economic integration of the border areas between Spain, France and Andorra.
COMDUR is made up of organisations from different areas and profiles that provide support for local commerce: Federación Mercantil de Gipuzkoa, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Gobierno Vasco, Ayuntamiento de Pamplona, Federación de Comerciantes Zaragoza Centro, Gobierno de Aragón, Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Cámara de Comercio de Tolouse, Federación de Comerciantes de Toulouse, Cámara de Comercio de Pirineos Orientales, Asociación de Comerciantes de Pirineos Orientales and by a technology centre: EURECAT Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya.