Revista número 25-en

Revista número 24-en

Barcelona Societat 24

Children are the future of the city, but also the present as they are full citizens. They must be protected from situations of vulnerability and exclusion, but they must also be empowered, their capacities must be developed, they must be given a voice, and they must be listened to. In Barcelona, we must continue to develop policies for and with children, ensuring equal opportunities and promoting their physical and emotional well-being.


Revista número 23-en

Revista número 22-en

Revista número 21-en

Revista Barcelona Societat 21

Barcelona Societat 21

In June 2016, Barcelona City Council presented the Strategy against the feminization of poverty and precariousness in Barcelona, during the second plenary session of the Council against the Feminization of Poverty. The strategy sets 71 action plans with the aim of tackling from different dimensions the inequalities suffered by women, and the consequently higher vulnerability and risk of poverty suffered by them.



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