The 8 March Award goes to a project to highlight the sexual rights of women with functional diversity
18/03/2023 - 20:40
The project “El teu cos, el teu camp de plaer”, by the organisation SIDA STUDI, has won the 37th edition of the 8 March Award - Maria Aurèlia Capmany with a project aimed at eradicating all forms of discrimination relating to the sexual rights of women with functional diversity.
Under the slogan “The irrepressible desire for freedom”, the 38th 8 March Award – Maria Aurelia Capmany brought together eleven projects defending sexual freedom in all its diversity and the sexual and reproductive rights of women.
The awards are given every year for International Women’s Day, and each edition centres on a specific topic with women’s rights and freedoms as the common thread.
Winning projects for the 2023 edition
The jury award, with a prize of 15,000 euros, went to the project “El teu cos, el teu camp de plaer”, by the organisation SIDA STUDI. The jury highlighted the cross-cutting nature of the project and its capacity to develop different levels of impact in both the community and the professional sphere. The project seeks to create a participatory public awareness campaign and a cycle of workshops on sexuality for women, lesbians and trans women with functional diversity, along with the photographic production “Metàfora Proyect” on the same theme.
The public award, determined using the participatory platform Decidim and carrying a monetary prize of 3,000 euros, went to Ruda Fem Fest by the group Mar Redondo Justel – Amigues de La Carbonera. This project is based on the creation of a space for reflection and dialogue with the gender perspective which can be useful for the community and individual participants alike, with opportunities for empowerment and dissemination within a cultural feminist framework, to move towards a fairer and more equal society.