A guide to help detect and treat loneliness among young people
06/10/2021 - 13:31
Unwanted loneliness is a global phenomenon which affects current societies and can be experienced at any time in life. It has also been made worse by the pandemic. The age group hit hardest in Barcelona are teenagers and young people between the ages of 16 and 24, as reflected in the Òmnibus Survey 2020. The study shows that 26.5% of young people have felt lonely often or at times, a figure higher that for adults and the elderly, who come out second and third respectively. A guide published for professionals working with people in this age group offers a practical and accessible tool to turn to for guidance on loneliness.
The Guia per a la prevenció, detecció i acompanyament d’adolescents i joves en situacions de soledat links loneliness with the frustrations and challenges that go with the transition to adult life and is structured into four areas: young people, networks for coexistence, local and community everyday relational networks and the community sphere.
The publication is an open and dynamic guide which will be continually updated and has been produced by professionals based on a session on loneliness among people, entitled ‘Ens posem les ulleres: la soledat també va de joves’. The guide also identifies forms of protection against loneliness, through emancipation, economic and job security and affective stability.
The guide is part of the municipal strategy against loneliness 2020-2030, a cross-cutting strategy which includes all related public services and adopts a long-term vision of ten years to mitigate and reduce the effects of loneliness among teenagers and young people.