Pre-alert stage of the cold weather operation deactivated

Pre-alert stage of the cold weather operation deactivated

01/03/2023 - 17:13

Activated on Monday, 27 February, the pre-alert stage of the cold weather operation has now been deactivated given the improvement in the weather forecast for the coming days. The operation helped 158 different people get access to accommodation, providing 230 overnight stays in all. Nobody missed out through a shortage of available places.

During the pre-alert stage, 165 places were offered at the Emergency Shelter (CAE), the Barcelona Social Emergency and Urgent Care Centre (CUESB) and in places at the municipal centre in Pg. Dos de Maig. Besides overnight accommodation, these spaces offer hygiene services, food and lockers. Over the five nights, nobody was turned away through a shortage of places.

Teams particularly turned their efforts towards homeless people sleeping rough, offering them the chance to voluntarily use the facilities open all year for this group and consisting of more than 2,800 places between municipal resources and the forty facilities making up the Homeless Support Network (XAPSLL). On the night of Monday, 27 February, the operation attended to 104 people, and on the night of Tuesday, 28 February, 126 people.

Since the preventive stage of the cold weather operation was activated on 1 December, support has been provided for 1,004 people in coordination with the forty organisations making up the Homeless Support Network (XAPSLL).


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