Extra subsidy for special education centres

Extra subsidy for special education centres

14/11/2020 - 10:23

The Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD) is to award a special open subsidy of 600,000 euros to 25 special education centres in Barcelona to help them meet the costs of applying safety protocols for Covid-19. The subsidies, also available to students and their families, are intended to be used for extra staff, the purchase of individual protective materials, rents and the conditioning of spaces, and the purchase of technological materials for remote learning.

The subsidies can be used for:

  • Extra staff, for support in classrooms or in playgrounds, particularly for quarantine periods supervised by the schools, additional cleaning staff, support staff for families and for home isolation periods for people testing positive, health support staff to cover additional needs arising for groups and to provide guidance for families, support staff for social work and for follow-up work with families and to process related procedures, for instance applications for financial aid.
  • Purchasing individual protective materials and items needed to guarantee the safety of teaching staff and students, as well as information and technology materials to ensure quality remote learning and help bridge the digital divide.
  • Payment of rents and the conditioning of spaces to ensure safe attention for students with disabilities.
  • Other costs linked to Covid-19.


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