Global justice as a municipal priority

Global justice as a municipal priority

07/11/2020 - 10:16

Barcelona strengthens its position as the European city which devotes the most resources to international cooperation. The city will be allocating 7.07 million euros to 112 international cooperation and global justice projects in 2020, nearly half of those who applied. This is the first time that funding will include projects promoting environmental justice.

Some 49.56% of the 245 projects presented and complying with the requisites of the call will get municipal funding. In all, that’s 112 projects grouped under three programmes:

  • Programme for International Cooperation for Global Justice: 44 projects
  • Programme for International Cooperation for Specific Cities: 13 projects
  • Programme for Education for Global Justice: 55 projects

This is the first time that the call includes projects promoting environmental justice.


Funding has been given to projects for various topics, already under way or in the pipeline in highly diverse areas, such as:

LGBTIQ+ rights in Dakar and El Salvador
-Prevention of violent radicalisation of young people in Tetuan
-Protection of human rights defenders in Colombia, Mexico and El Salvador
-Right to health in the Gaza Strip
-Protection of sexual and reproductive health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
-Support for women victims of male violence in Sarajevo
-Strengthening of the municipal government in Maputo in public health and environmental management
-Support in the implementation of peace agreements in Colombia.

Education for Global Justice

Some of the most notable topics in the education section are:

-Gender justice
-Sexual and reproductive rights
-Management of peace, demilitarisation and the protection of human rights defenders
-Ethical finance
-Food sovereignty


This funding comes on top of other municipal action to devote 0.7% of municipal income to international cooperation and global justice. This has been achieved every year since 2015.


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