Ten healthcare centres join the protocol of good practices for funeral services
02/08/2021 - 13:57
The Hospital Sant Pau, Hospital Sant Rafael, Hospital Plató, Hospital Clínic, Hospital Sagrat Cor, Hospital del Mar, the Centre Fòrum, the Centre Integral de Salut and the Centre Sociosanitari Isabel Roig, as well as the Puigvert Foundation, have signed up to the protocol of good practices for funeral services launched in 2018 to ensure users receive the utmost transparency on operating companies, prices, contacts and free services and services with discounts.
The healthcare centres will also have physical spaces in environments offering privacy, support and comfort available for informing families of the procedures that need to be carried out.
These spaces will also have to comply with the following criteria:
- The information will be provided by professionals with no links to funeral-sector companies, and there can be no type of commercial or promotional service there.
- No contracts can be made there.
- Information must be given there, among other things, whereby funeral companies can be freely chosen, as well as any products and services to be procured.
By following the protocol of good practices for funeral, signed-up centres will also have an information leaflet available for individuals who need to hire funeral services, including information on the following areas:
- All the companies operating in the city, with full corresponding contact and price details.
- The right of users to freely choose the funeral company, as well as the products and services they offer. Some of the services are free or with discounts.
- Services considered mandatory for deaths and which services are complementary or options.
- The Cementiris de Barcelona website and the municipal telephone number for finding all the details on funeral services in the city.