Call opens for 36th 8 March - Maria Aurèlia Capmany Award 2022 entries
11/02/2022 - 07:51
As in previous years, a call is being launched, as part of International Women’s Day, for entries for the 8 March – Maria Aurèlia Capmany Award for reflecting on a topic with a social and gender impact.
For this 36th edition, the chosen theme is ‘Feminist economics: let’s combat women’s precarious work situation in the city’. The aim of the award is to support projects with an intersectional, social justice and gender perspective that help to make progress in the fight against precarious work and poverty among women.
Projects with the following purposes may be submitted:
- To raise awareness and improve the visibility of the main pillars of feminist economics, and highlight the current gender-based division of work.
- To improve employment conditions in the most precarious and feminised occupations.
- To promote more secure, stable contracts for women, in order to avoid informality and ensure social protection.
- To ensure the social and economic recognition of the most feminised and precarious occupations.
- To combat the sticky floor and reduce the effects of the extra burden and inequality that put women at the bottom of the economic pyramid, by promoting professional career opportunities and enriching the work women carry out.
- To promote the self-organisation, empowerment and representation of women workers.
- To promote satisfactory organisation in work environments to ensure a responsible, sustainable work-life balance.
Terms and conditions for participation
Projects must be unpublished, or at an initial stage, they must include the intersectional gender perspective, and they must be able to take place in the city of Barcelona.
Projects may be submitted by natural persons, groups, associations or other non-profit organisations in Barcelona. For groups without legal personality made up only of natural persons, the group’s representative will have to be registered with Barcelona’s municipal citizens’ register.
Awards and prize
- Jury Prize for Best Project, worth €15,000.
- Public Prize for Best Project, worth €3,000.
Projects’ submission period: from 11 February to 10 March 2022 (first and last dates included)
You will find full information from this link