Bookmark Award 2024-2025

Applications open
Submission period:

From December 11, 2024 to January 10, 2025 (both included)


Last update:

The Bookmark Award falls within the “Commerce and Schools" educational programme promoted by the Directorate for Commerce, Restaurant Trade and Consumer Affairs at Barcelona City Council. The aim of the programme is to promote knowledge of Barcelona's cultural, social and historical environment by means of neighbourhood shops, and at the same time to educate for critical and responsible consumption.

The award recognises the best drawings by pupils from schools taking part in the activity, the main theme being local commerce explained through visual arts. The selected drawings will be published later as a bookmark. The aim of this initiative is to show the public the vision that students have of local shops by distributing the bookmarks to all the city's shopping centres on Sant Jordi's Day.

Any student from infant, primary and secondary schools or post-compulsory education centres in the city of Barcelona may enter.

Drawings will be classified into the following seven categories:

I. Pre-primary education

II. Initial cycle of primary education

III. Middle cycle of primary education

IV. Upper cycle of primary education

V. First and second year of secondary education

VI. Third and fourth year of secondary education, A-levels and vocational training

VII. Special education

The main theme of the drawings is local commerce, explained through plastic language.

The winning drawings will be published as bookmarks and distributed to shops in Barcelona's shopping centres and associations as part of the Sant Jordi campaign. A total of 200,000 bookmarks will be published. 

The following information will appear on the bookmarks: 

- The name of the author of the drawing 

- The educational centre they belong to 

- The year they are in 

The prize-winning students receive a diploma and a gift. 

The students who make it to the final stage will receive a gift. 

The educational centres with a winning drawing will receive enough bookmarks to be handed out among the pupils. The choice of winning drawings will be communicated to the teaching centres by e-mail. 

The Bookmark Award ceremony will take place in person on the days running up to Sant Jordi's Day 2025.

The period for submitting entries will be one month from the publication of the call for entries in the Official Gazette (BOP, according to its Catalan acronym) (from 11 December to 10 January).

Applications open
Submission period:

From December 11, 2024 to January 10, 2025 (both included)
