Call for applications to the 4th edition of Barcelona's Hypatia European Science Prize

Submission period:

From October 10 to November 23, 2023 (both included)

Information website:
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Last update:

The prize recognises the best career and trajectory of someone in the field of science and research, developed at the highest international level, who has had influence over various fields of knowledge and a positive impact on the well-being of humanity.

The prize has a three-year periodicity and alternates between three main areas of knowledge, one per campaign:

a) science and technology

b) life sciences and health

c) humanities and social sciences

In this 2023 edition, the candidates must work in the area of science and technology. Candidates from the following areas of knowledge are therefore excluded:

- life sciences and health

- humanities and social sciences

The prize is called Hypatia in honour of the philosopher and scientist Hypatia of Alexandria (355-415), a woman who knew how to bring together all the prevalent fields of knowledge of her time. And it was precisely for that reason that she was murdered by the forces of ignorance and fanaticism.

Requirements for participants

The prize is aimed at scientists and researchers who have carried out most of their research work in a European country and who have had an excellent career in research at the highest international level.

Means and deadline for submitting applications

Candidacies may be submitted from 10 October to 23 November.

The application must be made using the presentation form, which may be found on the Academia Europaea - Barcelona Knowledge Hub (AE-BKH) website, more specifically at the address

You can also access it from the Barcelona City Council website.

Submission period:

From October 10 to November 23, 2023 (both included)

Information website:
Go to website