First edition of the Gòtic neighbourhood’s Festa Major Poster Competition (2024)

Submission period:

From March 04 to 28, 2024 (both included)


Last update:

On 27 December 2023, the councillor for the Ciutat Vella district, exercising the powers delegated by the Mayor’s Office, initially approved the terms and conditions for the 2024 edition of the Festa MajorPoster Competition for the Gòtic neighbourhood, in the district of Ciutat Vella.

In compliance with the provisions of Article 124.2 of Decree 179/1995, dated 13 June 1995, enacting the Regulation on Local Authority Works, Activities and Services, the terms and conditions are subject to public scrutiny for a period of twenty working days, starting on the day after the notice is published, so that interested parties may examine the document and, if necessary, make any objections they deem appropriate.

If no objections are submitted during the public scrutiny period, the terms and conditions will be deemed to be definitively approved.

The aim of this competition is to promote artistic creation and encourage the participation of professional and emerging artists, in order to achieve wide-ranging local participation and to spread the word about the neighbourhood’s festa major, or main annual festival.

Participation is open to both professionals and emerging artists over the age of 18.

Submissions must be made online only, specifically, by emailing them to The email’s subject field must include“CONCURS DE CARTELLS DE LA FESTA MAJOR DEL GÒTIC”

Participants may submit a maximum of three posters.

The submission period opens on 4 March 2024 and closes on 28 March 2024.

The results of the competition will be published on the Ciutat Vella District website and in the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona (BOPB) in April 2024.

Submission period:

From March 04 to 28, 2024 (both included)
