District Councillor
Mr Joaquim De Gispert Pi
Presiding Councillor for the Les Corts District Municipal Council
Mr Juan Bautista Milián Querol
District Councillor
Mr Ivan Condés Sangenís
District Councillor
Mr Manuel Becerra Hormigo
General Coordinating District Councillor
Pendent de cobrir
Councillor-Advisor to the District Council Chair
Mrs Maria Mercedes Font Munso
District Councillor
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Technical District Councillor
Mrs Irene Morales Morales
District Councillor
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District Councillor
Pendent de cobrir
District Councillor
Mrs Mireia Candida Garrido García
District Councillor
Mrs Laura Cañadas Pla
District Councillor
Pendent de cobrir
District Councillor
Mr Jordi Guillén Sarrat
District Councillor
Mr Cristian Sais Fetthauer
District Councillor
Mr Xavier Cañigueral González
Mr Mario Francisco Campelo Castro