Roberto Romei and Marc Chornet’s Càpsula Indisciplinada will be activated on 18 and 25 February.
The fruit of a collaboration between the Teatre Tantarantana and the Centre de les Arts Lliures, the piece takes place simultaneously at the two performance venues . This capsule, which is led by Roberto Romei, the creator of the piece which takes place at the Fundació Joan Brossa - Centre de les Arts Lliures, and Marc Chornet, performing arts director of the Teatre Tantarantana, examines theatre as a transformative tool for dealing with social conflicts. What are the challenges of working with young adolescents? Can theatre create learning opportunities?
Roberto Romei has worked as an actor and director and is currently the artistic co-director of the Tantarantana Theatre. In the field of education, he has worked as a professor of Theatre Biomechanics, Performance, Actor Directing, Staging and Film Scripts in Rome, Copenhagen and London. He has been a professor at the Institut del Teatre since 1998 and is the Director of the Department of Dramaturgy, Staging and Choreography.
Marc Chornet is the director of the Performing Arts Area at the Centre de les Arts Lliures. He is also a professor in the Department of Dramaturgy, Staging and Choreography at the Institut del Teatre. He is a founding member of the Ingenu Project and the director of many shows, such as La Dona Panera (nominated for the Critics Awards), Vaig ser pròsper (finalist in the 2002 BBVA Awards), Yerma (nominated for the Butaca Awards) and Hamlet (which received an honourable mention from the 2014 l AlmagrOFF jury).
Times: Saturdays from 11 am to 1:30 pm
Venue: Fundació Joan Brossa – Centre de les Arts Lliures
Price: €50 for the entire course | €12 per session.
Contact for registration: sgali@fundaciojoanbrossa.cat