The Performativity of Images: Strategies and Operations
Andrea Soto Calderón
Andrea Soto Calderón
Dijous 29 de novembre de 2018, a les 19 h. Virreina LAB
Entrada lliure. Aforament limitat.
The research on the Performativity of Images is a project launched in early 2017 in the context of Virreina Lab. It is posited as a space of interrogation inside this institution that bears the name “Centre de la Imatge” (Image Centre), which, though it may not have a territory of enunciation of its own, is traversed by diverse territorialisations of images.
The many experimentations that are part of this research do not seek to contribute to the formulation of a definition that determines what pertains to images, nor to arrive at a general theory of images, but instead consists of analysis situated in the ruins of iconography, of Visual Studies, semiotics and photography. The various exercises that articulate our interest are related to the continual attempt to shift the question concerning what images are to the ways images are made.
We wish to devote this initial session to ascertaining what we mean by the ‘performativity of images’. In particular, what possibilities are opened up for us by an understanding of images that defy the demands imposed by the system of representation of the arts.
Images as artefacts of speculative, poetic and political power. Operations, devices, small machines that set things out in a particular way. A paradigm that produces events, discourses, ways of life.
Andrea Soto Calderón, holds a PhD and is currently researching the relationship between the image and fiction at the University of Paris VIII. She currently teaches aesthetics and the theory of art. Her research focuses on the transformations of the aesthetic experience in contemporary culture, artistic enquiry, the study of the image and the media, as well as the relationship between aesthetics and politics.