Presentation of the book: La Barcelona fotografiada de Ginés Cuesta (Barcelona photographed by Ginés Cuesta)
Where: Palau de la Virreina
La Rambla, 99

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La Barcelona fotografiada de Ginés Cuesta

Presentation of the book: La Barcelona fotografiada de Ginés Cuesta (Barcelona photographed by Ginés Cuesta)
Isabel Segura and Pedro G. Romero


Tuesday, 11 June, at 6:30 p.m.
ESPAI 4. Free admission

A posthumous book that honours a forgotten photographer from Barcelona

"I go back to the neighbourhood and see the sea from my house, a panoramic view of Barcelona, including the sea. The hills are close, the Collserola range is nearby, and the snails come out after the rain.” (Gines Cuesta)

What was supposed to be a book of recognition of the photography of Ginés Cuesta Ortiz (Barcelona, 1945-2023) was unfortunately released posthumously. Ginés Cuesta died on 16 May 2023.

The book is the result of the selection of Cuesta’s photographs that are deposited in the Historical Archive of Roquetes - Nou Barris and of the conversations he had with the historian Isabel Segura. It captures the everyday beauty of the people and spaces of the Verdum neighbourhood, as well as Cuesta’s vital itineraries through Barcelona, from the hills to the sea. It is a tribute to the life and work of a photographer who deserves to be rescued from neglect forever.

Book published by Barcelona City Council