Ludoteca Arimel - Centre Cívic El Carmel
Translator of
Accessible for people with physical disabilities
- Titularity:
- Public center
Days | Hours | Observations | ||
<div>dimarts i dimecres</div> | <div>de 10:15 h a 12:15 h</div> |
Grup de 0 a P3 |
<div>dimarts</div> | <div>de 17:00 h a 19:30 h</div> | |||
<div>dimarts i dijous</div> | <div>de 17:00 h a 18:30 h</div> |
Grup de P4 a P5 |
<div>dilluns, dimecres, dijous i divendres</div> | <div>de 17:00 h a 19:45 h</div> |
Grup de 1r a 4rt |
<div>divendres</div> | <div>de 17:00 h a 19:45 h</div> |
Grup de 5è a 6è |
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- Address:
- C Santuari, 27
- District:
- Horta-Guinardó
- Neighborhood:
- el Carmel
- City:
- Barcelona