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- ‘The Early Works of Francesc Boix’: exhibition programme
‘The Early Works of Francesc Boix’: exhibition programme
Dates: 22/08/1970 - 22/08/1970
Venue: Sants-Montjuïc
Exhibition ‘The Early Works of Francesc Boix’
8-26 May
Selection of the first photographs by the renowned “Mauthausen” photographer, taken in 1938, during the Spanish Civil War, when he voluntarily signed up to the 30th Division of the Republican Army at the age of 17. The negatives were recovered by the Committee of Dignity and Fotoconexió in 2013. They show us images of the daily lives of soldiers behind the front lines in Aragon and the Segre.
The exhibition was commissioned by Ramon Barnadas and Ricard Marco from Fotoconnexió and produced by the Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs.
Where: Lluïsa Franch Exhibition Hall / Cotxeres de Sants Civic Centre (carrer de Sants, 79).
Barcelona residents deported to Nazi camps
Thursday 3 May, 7 PM
Screening of the documentary La Barcelona Deportada: 70 anys de l’alliberament dels camps nazis (Barcelona Deported: 70 years on from the liberation of Nazi camps) and a discussion with members of the Amical Mauthausen association, Lourdes Vidrier, Àlex Rigol and Ferran Palau, along with Ricard Marco from Fotoconnexió.
Where: Francesc Candel Library (carrer de l’Amnistia Internacional, 10).
Commemorating the 73rd anniversary of the Nazi atrocities
Tuesday 8 May, 6.30 PM
With the participation of Chair of the Amical de Ravensbrück association Anna Sallés, Head of the Democratic Memorial Planning Department Maria Teresa Renedo, and historian and Francesc Boix biographer Benito Bermejo.
Where: La Lleialtat Santsenca (carrer d’Olzinelles, 31)
Inauguration of the exhibition ‘The Early Works of Francesc Boix’
Tuesday 8 May, 8 PM
With the participation of exhibition curators Ricard Marcoand Ramon Barnadas, Chair of the Secretariat of Associations of Sants, Hostafrancs and La Bordeta Lluïsa Erill, and Councillor of the Sants-Montjuïc District Laura Pérez.
Where: Cotxeres de Sants Civic Centre (carrer de Sants, 79).
‘Based on a true story’: Francesc Boix in fiction
Wednesday 9 May, 7 PM
Presentation of the film project El fotógrafo de Mauthausen (The Mauthausen Photographer). With director Mar Targarona and screenwriters Alfred Pèrez-Fargas and Roger Danés.
Where: Poble-sec – Francesc Boix Library (carrer de Blai, 34).
Presentation of the ‘El fotógrafo de Mauthausen’ (The Mauthausen Photographer) comic
Wednesday 9 May, 7.45 PM
Introduced by Salva Rubio, scriptwriter for comics and animated films. With the participation of Benito Bermejo, historian and Francesc Boix biographer.
Where: Poble-sec – Francesc Boix Library (carrer de Blai, 34).
Francesc Boix, the rediscovered photographer
Thursday 10 May, 7 PM
Screening of the documentary Las dos guerras del fotógrafo Boix (The two wars of the photographer Boix). A discussion will follow with Pep Cruanyes, coordinator of the Committee of Dignity, Pilar Aymerich, photographer, Ramon Barnadas, curator of the show, and Òscar Pau, grandson of Ventura Pau, captain of the 30th Division of the Spanish Republican Army.
Moderated by: Ricard Marco, member of Fotoconnexió.
Where: Anselm Cartañá Room – Sants-Montjuïc District Office (carrer Creu Coberta, 104).
Guided tour: The Working Class Movement and the Civil War in Poble-sec and Montjuïc
Saturday 12 May, 10.30 AM
Tour led by Nick Lloyd, an historian specialised in the Spanish Civil War and the working class movement in Barcelona.
Historical re-enactment: scenes of the Spanish Civil War
Saturday 12 May, 1 PM
Scenes of health, education and enlistment to the front by the Historic Re-enactment Group “The 15th Mixed Brigade”.
Where: Poble-sec – Francesc Boix Library (carrer de Blai, 34).
Guided tour of the exhibition ‘The Early Works of Francesc Boix’
Tuesday 15 May, 7 PM
Led by Ricard Marco, exhibition curator and member of Fotoconnexió.
Where: Lluïsa Franch Exhibition Hall / Cotxeres de Sants Civic Centre (carrer de Sants, 79).
Francesc Boix and his photographic testimony
Tuesday 22 May, 7 PM
Screening of the documentary Las dos guerras del fotógrafo Boix (The two wars of the photographer Boix). A discussion will follow with the exhibition curators Ramon Barnadas and Ricard Marco, and Deputy Chair of the Amical Mauthausen association Rosa Toran.
Moderated by: Salvador Garcia, La Marina radio contributor.
Where: Francesc Candel Library (carrer de l’Amnistia Internacional, 10).
Guided tour of the exhibition ‘The Early Works of Francesc Boix’
Tuesday 23 May, 7.30 PM
Led by Ramon Barnadas, exhibition curator and Chair of Fotoconnexió.
Where: Lluïsa Franch Exhibition Hall / Cotxeres de Sants Civic Centre (carrer de Sants, 79).