Dates: 28/11/2016 - 12/07/2017

Venue: Every district

In movement[s]. Barcelona’s women. Forty years and over. 1976-2016 is a programme that was launched from January to July 2017 in the city’s ten districts, to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the First Jornades Catalanes de la Dona [Catalan Women’s Conference]. The event was a watershed in women’s lives and the future of the city. Many issues kept on a personal level up to then came out to the public and political sphere and gave rise to some of the most important campaigns and mobilisations of the following years.

Launched by the Commissioner for Memory Programmes, in collaboration with the districts and curated by Cristina Borderías, the programme included a small travelling exhibition and a series of round tables and film forums which were attended by more than 700 people. The goal was to reclaim, honour and convey the memories of the mobilisations of women to improve life in the city’s neighbourhoods and build fairer and more democratic social relations.

Five large thematic areas have been chosen concerning which the various tables have been organised, to promote an inter-generational dialogue: (1) What is personal is political; (2) Women are changing the neighbourhoods and the city; (3) A right to live without fear; (4) A right to a decent life. Women’s rights, human rights and social justice, and (5) Our bodies, our lives.


Llibret sobre les mobilitzacions de les dones els darrers 40 anys [in catalan]

The professional backgrounds of the speakers at the round tables [in catalan]

The inaugural session, held on 28 November 2017 at El Born CCM (Culture and Memory Centre), was chaired by the Mayor, Ada Colau, and addressed by Cristina Borderías, the programme’s curator, and Mireia Bofill, a feminist activist and member of the association Ca La Dona.

Download the speech by Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona. [in Catalan]

Download the speech by Cristina Borderías, curator of the programme.

Download the speech by Mireia Bofill, feminist activist and member of Ca La Dona.

What is personal is political

This slogan from 1960s and 1970s feminism questioned the dichotomy between public and private spheres and gave a political dimension to issues hitherto confined to the private realm. This new perception represented a change in women’s lives and in the feminist movement. These debates aim to convey the experiences and identities of the feminist movement to young generations and establish a critical dialogue between the respective values of those years and today.

Where: Pati Llimona Civic Centre

When: Wednesday, 26 April 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Maria Morón and Laura Tremosa

Moderated by: Maria Rodó de Zárate

Where: El Sortidor Civic Centre

When: Monday, 13 March, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Judith Astelarra, Anna Mestre and Anna Balletbò

Moderated by: Marta Selva

Where: Vil·la Florida Civic Centre

When: Tuesday, 28 February 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Magda Oranich and Amparo Moreno

Moderated by: Mercè Otero

Where: The Les Corts District’s Meeting Hall

When: Tuesday, 28 January 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Mireia Bofill, Montserrat Minobis and M. Victoria Garcia Gaitero.

Moderated by: Cristina Borderías

Women are changing the neighbourhoods and the city

As the narratives of the transition have long ignored the central role of women in political and social changes, we shall be reclaiming their role in the anti-Francoist movement and in improving the living conditions in our city’s neighbourhoods.

Where: El Clot-Josep Benet Library

When: Friday, 7 July 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Teresa Marbà, Marta Mas and Aurora Alvárez “Yoyi”

Moderated by: Encarna Bodelón

Where: Neighbourhood centre of El Congrés i els Indians

When: Thursday, 1 June 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Maria Lluïsa Serralta, Teresa Alfaro and Paulina Torres

Moderated by: Eva Fernández Lamelas

Where: Ateneu Popular Nou Barris

When: Tuesday, 9 May 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Lourdes Ponce, Conxa García and Amparo Iturriaga

Moderated by: Carolina Recio

Where: El Carmel-Juan Marsé Library

When: Wednesday, 19 April 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Custodia Moreno and Trinidad Cuesta

Moderated by: Clara Parramón

Where: Francesc Candel Library

When: Thursday, 9 March 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Pilar Ripoll Balagué, Anna Rubio Cillán and Assumpta Albà Ricart

Moderated by: Isabel Segura

Where: Sagrada Família Civic Centre

When: Wednesday, 25 January 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Rosa Miró, Isabel Fernández Delgado and Sylviane Dahan Sellem

Moderated by: Carme Alemany

A right to live without fear

Gender violence is one of our societies’ most serious problems and evidence of a refusal to accept changes in gender relations. We shall be establishing an intergenerational dialogue on continuities and transformations in gender violence. How women confront it, collectively and individually, and what policies and changes need to be called for.

Where: The Les Corts District’s Meeting Hall

When: Tuesday, 31 January 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Marisa Fernández, Mercè Molina, Fe Escat Torres and Eva Díez

Moderated by: Lorena Garrido

A right to a decent life. Women’s rights, human rights and social justice

The anti-Francoist opposition movement included people from a wide range of ideologies: socialists, communists and Christian socialists. Many of these shared the view that feminism was “non-solidarity”, “exclusive” and “petit bourgeois”. In light of the present, this table aims to discuss and debate how fairer gender relations help to strengthen the democratic system.

Where: Neighbourhood centre of El Congrés i els Indians

When: Thursday, 8 June 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Núria Casals and Angels Rabadà

Moderated by: Cristina Carrasco

Where: El Carmel-Juan Marsé Library

When: Wednesday, 29 March 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Alba García and Sara Berbel

Moderated by: Noelia Igareda

Where: La Sedeta Civic Centre

When: Tuesday, 28 March 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Eulàlia Vintró and Neus Moreno

Moderated by: Teresa Torns

Our bodies, our lives

Women’s bodies have historically been a space for expressing power relations. 1970s feminism opposed the patriarchal construction of the female body and reviewed discourses and rules on sexuality, maternity, healing and the emotions.

Where: Sagrada Família Civic Centre

When: Wednesday, 11 January 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Rosa Ros, Montserrat Vilà Planas and Carme Valls

Moderated by: Anna Morero

Where: Sant Gervasi-Joan Maragall Library

When: Tuesday, 14 February 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Chelo García and Montserrat Cervera

Moderated by: Marta Jorba

Where: El Coll Civic Centre

When: Thursday, 23 March 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Raquel Osborne and Consuelo Catalá Pérez

Moderated by: Sara Cuentas

Where: Can Basté Civic Centre

When: Tuesday, 23 May 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Marcela Güell, Rosa Almirall and Montse Benito

Moderated by: Carolina Recio

Where: El Clot-Josep Benet Library

When: Wednesday, 12 July 2017, at 7.30 pm

Speakers: Maria Rosa Pous and Vicen Laguna

Moderated by: Sara Cuentas

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