Dates: 05/05/2018 - 30/11/2018

Venue: Different venues

The events and protests that shook the world in 1968, in Paris, Prague and Mexico City, expressed the malaise of a convulsive, violent decade when the colonies revolted against intransigent metropolises, young North Americans deserted the war in Vietnam, women raised their voices to demand more equality, and the civil rights movement made advances despite the violence committed against its leaders such as Rosa Parker or MLK. In Germany, the post-war generation wrote a message to their parents on the walls: “Where were you between 1939 and 1945, what were you doing?”, while tension between the different blocs impeded the democratisation processes in the East and West. This was the context of the various uprisings in 1968 that expressed a will and decisiveness to reject the state of play and promote radical global change.

Various forms of art, film and photography in particular joined in the denunciation of the established order, as did the emerging promoters of new models of film production outside the commercial circuits. All these events and uprisings expressed a principle and a conviction: the need to be radical, that is, to get at the root cause of inequalities and supremacies.

The year 1968 is a metaphor for radicalism. It led to a turn in subjectivity: the collective may be important but so is the subject (individual) because the subject makes up the collective. History is about subjects. For the first time and irrevocably, our vision took the subject into account as the builder of collectives and institutions.

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of this historic moment, the Commissioner of Memory Programmes is launching “The rebellions of 68, the need to be radical”. Events and activities will be held between May and November,

including the series of talks and debates “1968. When words became actions” at the Born Centre of Culture and Memory.

Under the title “Revolution, je t’aime. Cinema and ruptures of 68”, there will be film screenings jointly organised by LASA and the Department of Audiovisual Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University. The inaugural session will take place at the La Model Espai Memorial and the rest will be held at the Girona Cinemas. In November, an academic conference organised by the Commissioner’s Office, Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Centre of Dictatorship and Democracy Studies (CEDID) and Université La Sorbonne-Nanterre will be the final event.

Commemorating 1968 is not a nostalgic vindication of a bygone period, nor is it a pacifist tribute to hide the truth of violence, successes and failures. We will commemorate 68 by revisiting and rethinking the radicalism of those act and connecting them with the present.  

From May 5 to June 8, Sala Moragues at the BCMC will be playing host to a film cycle, conferences and dialogues on the events of 1968, entitled “The protests of ’68. When words became actions”, organised by the Commissioner for Memory Programmes.

Saturday, 5 May: Screening of the film The Young Karl Marx.

Thursday, 17 May: Dialogue “Education, the protests of ’68 and social transformation yesterday and today.

Thursday, 24 May: Roundtable on “Revolutionising our society through disobedience”, taking part in which will be Enric Prat Carvajal, a historian and lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology at UAB; Gerardo Pisarello, a lecturer in constitutional law at the University of Barcelona and a Barcelona City Councillor representing the political party group Barcelona en Comú; Mercè Terès, a university student and member of the Sindicat d’estudiants dels Països Catalans students’ group; Pau Rodríguez, a journalist at and Gabriela Serra, an activist in several social movements and a parliamentary representative for the political party group CUP (2015-2017).

Thursday, 31 May: Dialogue “The University of Berkeley, the cradle of the university movement and cultural change”.

Friday, 8 June: Dialogue “The French protests of ’68 and their consequences”.

More information on the Born CMC website.

43 films are to be screened from 22 May to 1 June, exploring the popular imagination created around the 1968 protests in the “Revolució, je t’aime” film cycle.

The programme offers a selection of works influenced by the events of 1968, most of which are being shown for the first time in Barcelona, with sessions attended by special guests. Pere Portabella, Chris Marker, Philippe Garrel, Carole Roussopoulos, Fernando Solanas, Sara Gómez, Jorge Sanjinés, Carolee Schneemann, Vera Chytilová and Antoni Padrós are just some of the artists whose works portray a complex and turbulent decade, characterised by an unprecedented creative energy in the artistic realm, linguistic experimentation and profound changes in the system for producing films.

INAUGURACIÓN (Lugar: La Model)  

Martes, 22 de mayo, a las 20.00 horas 
Aidez l’Espagne, de Pere Portabella, Cataluña, 1969, S/D, color – b/n, 5’
Premios Nacionales, de Pere Portabella, Cataluña, 1969, VE, color, 5’
Miró l’altre, de Pere Portabella, Cataluña, 1969, S/D, color – b/n, 15’
Poetes catalans, de Pere Portabella, Cataluña, 1970, VOE, b/n, 26’
•  Con la presencia de Pere Portabella.

Miércoles 23 de mayo, a las 20.00 horas
¡Que vivan los estudiantes!
Contestação, de João Silvério Trevisan, Brasil, 1969, S/D, b/n,15’
Me gustan los estudiantes, de Mario Handler, Uruguay, 1968, VE, b/n, 6’
Actua 1, de Philippe Garrel, Francia, 1968, VOSE, b/n, 6’
Entrevistas Mayo 1968, de Alfredo Joskowicz, México, 1968, VE, b/n, 39’
Comunicados del Consejo Nacional de Huelga de CUEC – Centro Universitario de Estudios Cinematográficos de la UNAM, México, 1968, VE, b/n, 20’
• Presentan la sesión Carles Feixa, profesor de Antropología en la UPF y Miguel Errazu, investigador posdoctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas de la UNAM.

Jueves 24 de mayo, a las 20.00 horas
Le fond de l’air est rouge (El fondo del aire es rojo)
Film tract n. 1968, de Gérard Fromanger y Jean-Luc Godard, Francia, 1968, S/D, color, 2,5’
Cinétract n.19, anónimo, Francia, 1968, S/D, b/n, 2,5’
Mai 68, la belle ouvrage, de Jean-Louis Magneron, Francia, 1968, VOSE, b/n, 52’
La révolution n’est qu’un début. Continuons le combat, de Pierre Clémenti, Francia, 1968, S/D, color, 22’
• Con la presencia de Balthazar Clémenti, hijo del cineasta Pierre Clémenti.

Viernes 25 de mayo, a las 20.00 horas
Os hablamos de… la revolución. Chile, Cuba, Brasil
On vous parle du Chili. Ce que disait Allende, de Chris Marker, Francia y Chile, 1973, VOE, color, 16’
On vous parle du Brésil: Tortures, de Chris Marker, 1969, Francia y Chile, VOE, color, 24’
En la otra isla, de Sara Gómez, Cuba, 1968, VE, b/n, 41’
• Presentan la sesión los especialistas en temas de juventud Óscar Aguilera (Universidad de Chile) y Silvia Borelli (Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo).

Sábado 26 de mayo 18.00 horas
¡Atrás el realismo socialista, viva el surrealismo! Imágenes de Praga
Zahrada, de Jan Švankmajer, Checoslovaquia, 1968, VOSE, b/n, 17’
Sedmikrásky, de Věra Chytilová, Checoslovaquia, 1966, VOSE, color, 29’

20.00 horas
La hora de los hornos
La hora de los hornos (parte I), de Octavio Getino y Fernando E. Solanas, 1968, VE, b/n, 95’)
• Presenta la sesión Santiago Fillol (profesor de Comunicación Audiovisual en la UPF y miembro del grupo de investigación CINEMA)

Domingo 27 de mayo 18.00 horas
El coraje del pueblo
El coraje del pueblo, de Jorge Sanjinés, Bolívia, 1971, VOSF, color, 90’

20.00 horas
Par ailleurs, le cinéma est une arme. El Grup Medvedkine (Por otra parte, el cine es un arma. El Grupo Medvedkine)
Cinétract n.16, anónimo, Francia, 1968, S/D, b/n, 3’
La charnière, de Groupe Medvedkine Besançon, Francia, 1968, àudio
Classe de lutte, de Groupe Medvedkine Besançon, Francia, 1969, VOSE, b/n, 37’
Nouvelle Société n. 5, de Groupe Medvedkine Besançon, Francia, 1969, VOSE, b/n, 8’
Nouvelle Société n. 7, de Groupe Medvedkine, Francia, 1979, VOSE, b/n,11’
• Presenta la sesión Sébastien Layerle, profesor de cine en la Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3.

Lunes 28 de mayo, a las 20.00 horas
Filmar es delito. Cine clandestino en España. Décadas de 60 y 70
Convocatòria Assemblea de Catalunya. Recollida de firmes als barris barcelonins, Cataluña, hacia 1970, S/D, b/n, 6’
Proceso 1001, España, hacia 1973, VE, color, 22’
Enterrament obrer assassinat a Tarragona, Cataluña, hacia 1976, S/D, b/n, 4’
• Presentan la sesión Esther Cases, directora del filme El Pilar, filmmakers clandestins a cavall de 50 anys, Joan Antoni Gonzàlez Serret, productor de cine, y Alfred Bienzobas, abogado.

Martes 29 de mayo, a las 20.00 horas
La revolución será total o no será
Genet parle d’Angela Davis, de Carole Roussopoulos, Francia, 1970, VOSC, b/n, 7’
Now! de Santiago Álvarez, Cuba, 1965, VOE, b/n, 6’
I Am Somebody, de Madeline Anderson, EE. UU, 1970, VOSC, color, 30’
FHAR – Front Homosexuel d’Action Révolutionnaire de Carole Roussopoulos, Francia, 1971, VOSE, b/n, 26’
• Presentan la sesión Marta Selva y Anna Solà, directoras de la Muestra Internacional de Filmes de Mujeres de Barcelona y la cooperativa promotora de medios audiovisuales Drac Màgic.

Miércoles 30 de mayo, a las 20.00 horas
Lejos del Vietnam
Loin du Vietnam (fragmento “Camera-Eye”), de Jean-Luc Godard, 1967, Francia, VOSC, color, 10’
Time and Fortune Vietnam Newsreel, de Jonas Mekas, Estados Unidos, 1968, VOSC, color, 4’
Viet Flakes, de Carolee Schneemann, Estados Unidos, 1965, S/D, color, 7’
Hybrid, de Jack Chambers, Canada, 1967, S/D, color, 15’
Pim, pam, pum, revolución, de Antoni Padrós, Cataluña, 1969, VO, b/n, 21’
• Presentan la sesión Arnau Vilaró Moncasí y Marina Vinyes Albes, programadores, con la presencia de Antoni Padrós, cineasta.

Jueves 31 de mayo, a las 20.00 horas
Los muros tienen la palabra
Cinétract R. 106, anónimo, Francia, 1968, S/D, b/n, 2’
Que s’est-il passé en Mai 68?, de Jean-Paul Savignac, Francia, 1968, VOSC, b/n, 17’
Mural efímero, de Raúl Kamffer, México, 1968, S/D, color, 9’
Jan 69, de Stanislav Milota, Checoslovaquia, 1969, S/D, b/n, 7’
Historia de un documento, de Óscar Menéndez, México, 1968, VE, b/n, 47’
•Presentan la sesión Arnau Vilaró Moncasí y Marina Vinyes Albes, programadores.

Viernes 1 de junio, a las 20.00 horas
No Intenso Agora, de João Moreira Salles, 2017, Brasil, VOSE, color – b/n, 127’ (Estreno en Cataluña)
• Presenta la sesión Fran Benavente, profesor de Comunicación Audiovisual en la UPF y miembro del grupo de investigación CINEMA.

Más información en el programa adjunto.

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