Saint Petersburg

City and related links

Country: Russia

Federal District: North-West

Area: 1,439 km²



* This twinning has been temporarily suspended by the Barcelona City Council.

Barcelona and Saint Petersburg were twinned on 24th October 1985 with the signing of an agreement of friendship and collaboration with the then city of Leningrad. According to this agreement, both cities agreed to exchange political, cultural, sports and information delegations about the activity of the local authorities.

In 2002 Barcelona and Saint Petersburg ratified the agreement with the signing of a collaboration protocol.  Aspects such as collaboration in social welfare or in the economic field were reflected in specific agreements, signed on 25th April 1994 and 25th May 2004, respectively.

2010 was the 25th anniversary of this agreement, which was celebrated with various activities in both cities, which concluded in 2011, when Saint Petersburg was guest city during the festivities of la Mercè.

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