Rio de Janeiro

City details:

Country: Brazil 

Population: 6,320,446 (2010)

Area: 1,182 km2

Population of the metropolitan area:11,800,000 approx. (2010) 


Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro were twinned in 1972 and, since then, have maintained cordial relations, but without much intensity until the city of Rio was chosen to host the Olympic Games of 2016.

The prefeito of Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Eduardo Paes, visited Barcelona in October 2009 to sign a collaboration agreement between the two cities with the aim of giving support to the Olympic Games of 2016.  The first action decided to develop was to organise a business bridge with the Chamber of Commerce and the support of Acció10, to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in June 2010.

Rio de Janeiro is member of the UCCI (The Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities).

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