

  November 2015

Barcelona - Milan

Barcelona has signed the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact for creating a network of cities to foster healthy nutrition and responsible consumption. 

On 15th October the Mayor of Barcelona attended the Mayors Summit with the aim of signing the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact. The summit gathered together representatives from cities committed to fostering healthy nutrition and to strengthening the role of the city councils and the regional administrations in the sustainable development of the food system. 

The Mayor, together with mayors from a total of 100 cities from all over the world, signed this Urban Food Policy Pact, with the aim of generating an active platform of cities at an international level that share good practices and assessment of food projects with the goal of making the cities spaces of fair trade, where there are no people who suffer from hunger, and to promote responsible consumption and the sustainability of related activities, such as fishing, the farming of livestock, agriculture and food commerce.  

The Mayor also announced that Barcelona proposes turning 25 municipal markets into Green markets, so as to promote local and ecological products, as a step forward in the strategy of the City Council of Barcelona “of boosting food sovereignty, which guarantees the right to food nutrition and integrates the policies of health, sustainability, commerce and social welfare”.   

In her intervention, the Mayor highlighted the importance and “the example of good practices” that the network of municipal markets of Barcelona represents.  “We have 39 centres distributed throughout the city that are the main source of provision of fresh and local products.  They receive 60 million visits a year and have become clear economic centres, with employment of quality, and generators of social and territorial cohesion of the city”.

For the Mayor “the new challenge is that over the next three and a half years a minimum of 25 markets are converted into centres that offer local and ecological products, that they identify this offer, promoting its consumption amongst the citizens and as such contribute to making Barcelona a healthy and sustainable city”.