Questioning Fortresses. Embroidering Dialogues. Clara Gassiot, artistic installation

The parade ground of the Castle hosts the intervention artwork "Qüestionant fortaleses. Brodant diàlegs" (“Questioning fortresses. Embroidering dialogues”) by artist Clara Gassiot from Girona.

"What does a fortification protect us from?" Placing embroideries on white fabrics, as if they were flags, artist Clara Gassiot makes us reflect on issues that we have assimilated, perhaps wrongly, that are related to concepts such as security and protection but which may only point out tensions, conflicts, power struggles. All in all, that they act against what they say they really want to achieve: protection, peace and, ultimately, resolution of conflicts.​
“Historical memory should mean that we do not forget the past. These memories should be constructive, something visible and impartial which opens a path towards social and autoconscious interaction and a way of educating people for Peace”.
Clara Gassiot
no booking needed