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Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens

Who we are

The Barcelona Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens is a local business public organisation of Barcelona City Council, established in accordance with the legislation governing local government regulations and the Barcelona Charter.

Its function is to provide services and other activities with the basic aims of conserving and improving every park and garden, tree and garden facility along public highways and forest land belonging to Barcelona City Council, as well as the creation of new spaces with plants of every kind.

The Institute, approved by the Plenary of the Municipal Council in its regular session on 28 June 2002 and amended on 14 October 2005, is attached to the Deputy Management of Ecology and Urban Services.

What we do

The Institute administers and promotes the city’s urban greenery and the environment, so it is responsible for the remodelling, construction, conservation and maintenance of Barcelona’s urban parks and gardens, urban trees, benches and play areas.

On the other hand, it is also tasked with providing advice on and training in gardening techniques and production organising through repair and maintenance workshops from the teams it runs, as well as drafting mandatory and quality-control reports for all the urban projects where reference is made to green areas and/or trees.

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