Technological news compiled from 11/04/2023 to 18/05/2023

19/05/2023 - 13:32 h

During these days, we have compiled a series of information that we find relevant in the sector we are in. Some of them may affect the Mobile Services Office.


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), where both Microsoft and Google are making moves to integrate their proposals into mobile devices. On the other hand, an article explaining how AIs are predicted to impact the world of work.
  • Apple has shared information about the number of apps it rejects in its App Store and the number of users it has in the app store in Europe.
  • Many Android updates during the annual Google I/O conference aimed at app developers: a new Android 14 beta, Artificial Intelligence with Android Studio, among others.

Mobile purchase trends during 2023

All major smartphone manufacturers, except Apple, have seen a decrease in sales in 2023. On the other hand, we share an article confirming the growth of the second-hand mobile phone market.


How the Government’s app for tracking household tasks will work

The Ministry of Equality in Spain is seeking equality in household tasks and will soon make available to citizens an application that will track the hours spent on household chores by cohabiting groups, whether it’s a family or roommates.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mobile devices

Both Microsoft and Google have announced AI tools for mobile devices. In addition, Chat GPT announces that its app will be available for download on iPhones, and soon on Android.


The effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the job market

There are already companies announcing changes in their hiring policies due to artificial intelligences, and several studies warn about the significant impact they can have.


Apple launches “Personal Voice”: now you can give your voice to the iPhone

Apple has announced a new series of accessibility features, including “Personal Voice,” which will allow an iPhone or iPad to read text with a synthesized voice that imitates the user’s own voice.


Apple shares data on rejected apps and developer accounts canceled for fraudulent activity.

In 2021, Apple canceled 80,200 developer accounts and 1.7 million applications for not complying with their standards.


Apple reveals the number of users in their App Store in Europe

Apple has disclosed this information in response to a requirement from Europe.


Highlights from the annual Google I/O conference for app developers

The 14 main highlights of the annual Google I/O conference, including Studio Bot, an artificial intelligence tool with Android Studio, a guide for app design on Android, and the new Android 14 beta.


The Android Play Store will recommend updating an app when it crashes.

When a system error (crash) occurs in the foreground, the Play Store will recommend updating the app if there is a newer version available.
