Technology news compiled from 18/10/2023 to 22/11/2023

24/11/2023 - 14:12 h

In these days, we wanted to gather a series of information that we find relevant in the sector we are in. Some of them may affect the Mobile Services Office.


  • Apple announces the adoption of the RCS standard.
  • Updates in the Google console, both to meet new requirements and to improve the quality of applications.

Crisis with OpenAI

Dismissal of the CEO of OpenAI; he is hired by Microsoft and eventually returns to OpenAI with new agreements. It seems that everything comes back to the starting point for OpenAI, the ChatGPT company.


Apple announces adoption of the RCS standard

Apple makes this announcement amid pressure to increase the interoperability of its messaging service. The implementation will materialize at the end of next year through a software update.


Alexa: Help to improve the lives of the elderly

Alexa has presented in Spain new integrations designed for the elderly.


Google “Play Store” adds a badge for verified applications

This badge will be available for VPN applications that have undergone a security review.


“Google Play Protect” will allows scanning of applications not from the Google “Play Store”

Android will allow scanning of applications installed directly on the mobile without going through the official Google “Play Store.”


Selection of deadlines to comply with the new Google Play requirements policy

Google allows developers to select in the “Play Console” the deadline to comply with the updated requirements policy. If a delivery date is not chosen before February 29, a date will be assigned automatically.


Updates in the “Google Play” Console

The increase in the maximum size of app bundles (now 200 MB) and new features for Android Vitals.
