Between Francesc Macià and Carrer Marina
Alternative 4: Best possible solution for buses on Avda Diagonal
This alternative starts at the final stop of the Trambaix line located in Plaça de Francesc Macià, from where it turns towards C/ Comte d’Urgell, where it continues until it turns along C/ Provença, which it travels along up to Diagonal. From this point on it coincides with alternative 1.
Main features:
- Alternative 4 therefore keeps the two current tramway lines (Trambaix and Trambesòs) independent and establishes interchange points at coinciding stops and, above all, at the tramway's terminal stops at Francesc Macià and Glòries.
- It would originate from the Zona Universitària, opposite the Business Faculty at the University of Barcelona (mountain-facing side of Diagonal), where vehicles would have an electric-charging point.
- This new bus line would travel in the Besòs direction between the Zona Universitària and Francesc Macià along a specific bus lane over the central part of the road equivalent to the H6 bus line which currently is between Zona Universitària and Maria Cristina; it will therefore be necessary to contemplate specific traffic-light stages for vehicles turning off from the central part of the passage towards Numància and Avda Sarrià (changing the current direct).
- Regarding the Llobregat direction, it will travel through the central part of road much as it does now, sharing the lane with metropolitan buses.
- As for the Besòs direction, the plan is for the stops to be integrated with the tramway's current stops, similar to what is already happening between Zona Universitària and Plaç̧a Maria Cristina on the NXB's H6 bus line.
Fitxa amb les dades principals
System: Articulated BUS on reserved platform
Traction and supply: Electric with batteries
Total number of new line electric buses: 24
Vehicle capacity: 110 pax
Vehicle length: 18 m
Route: Zona Universitària - Diagonal Avenue - Diagonal-Besòs Campus
Line length: 10,180 m
Number of new line stops: 24
Average distance between stops: 443 m
Minimum tram frequency: 5 min
Average commercial speed: 13 km/h
Initial potential stabilised demand: 52,018 pax/day