
The debate is not about a healthy and sustainable urban model, it is about the best option to achieve that aim. The options analysed in the Information Study have at least one feature in common: they are all based on a sustainable, healthy model.

The PDI presents the metropolitan scale..

Linking up the two current tramways (Trambaix and Trambesòs) is planned out in two approved planning documents that are currently in force: the 2011-2020 Infrastructure Master Plan (PDI) and the 2013-2018 Urban Mobility Plan (PMU). The 2011-2020 PDI states that the connection is a decisive factor in increasing the connectivity of the tramway network with the other existing networks (metro, Catalan railways (FGC) and the Rodalies commuter rail service) on a metropolitan level


The PDI proposes a change in mobility and in the urban model.

The UMP advocates the need for a modal shift where walking, cycling and public transport gain ground over private vehicles, with them gradually occupying less space on the city streets

The UMP proposes introducing a very ambitious change in the city’s mobility trends in which the public transport system and getting around on foot or by bike will make up nearly 95% of the increase in mobility forecast for 2018, giving the following mode distribution: 35% on foot and by bike, 38% Catalan public transport and 27% by car. 

The debate is not about a healthy and sustainable urban model, it is about the best option to achieve that aim.

The Survey Report considers an urban model that responds to the determination to ensure that people have a healthier, quality space, and modes of travel such as walking, cycling and public transport are prioritised over the use of private vehicles. All the alternatives studied have at least this feature in common.


An unfinished tramway network.

  • The current tramway network has two independent sub-networks: the Trambaix (which runs through seven municipalities of the Baix Llobregat and Barcelonès counties) and the Trambesòs (which runs through three municipalities of the Barcelonès). The tramway network’s most-used stops are Glòries, Maria Cristina, Cornellà Centre, Can Rigal, Sant Adrià and Francesc Macià interchanges.
  • It is 29.2 km long and has a total of 56 stops
  • Its demand has tripled since 2004 and is growing at a faster rate than the rest of the metropolitan public transport system. 


Connecting the tramway network is a great opportunity.

  • To achieve a sustainable mobility model that contributes to a healthier urban model. The tramway link-up would not only increase tram demand but also that for other systems of public transport and cycling. 
  • To resolve the problem of an interrupted system and enable connections between 9 Metropolitan Area municipalities, thereby improving Barcelonès Nord and Baix Llobregat residents’ accessibility to the nerve centre of Barcelona by public transport. 

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