Goals, methodology and structure

Survey Reports define, evaluate and compare the various options put forward as solutions to connect the Trambaix and Trambesòs tramways.


The Survey Report’s main goals are as follows:

  • In accordance with Act 4/2006, of 31 March, which defines a tramway infrastructure as a railway infrastructure installed on a public highway and, under Article 10, establishes that “a survey report and construction project need to be produced if a railway infrastructure is to be built or an existing one modified”.
  • Four alternative options have been studied, some of whose features have been included or modified since the Preliminary Studies in 2016. The results of the Survey Report do not differ much from the corresponding ones mentioned in the Preliminary Studies. 


The range of options responds to two main criteria:

  1. Taking maximum advantage of the results obtained in the previous studies (based on a critical analysis of those studies), notably the Preliminary Studies for connecting the Trambesòs and Trambaix networks of 2016. The geographical research area for possible alternatives is limited to those analysed in the Preliminary Studies. 

The concept of connecting the tram network has been assessed seven times since the end of the 1990s:

    • Social and economic analysis of the tramway connection (PTP, 2005).
    • Of the possible options for connection the Trambaix and Trambesòs tramways: Alternatives to the route along Avinguda Diagonal (Barcelona Regional and Ovectio, 2008).
    • Profitability analysis (Tramvia Metropolità- MCRIT, 2010).
    • Alternatives to entering and joining Tramway Networks in Barcelona (Catalan Regional Government and ATM-IDOM/Typsa, version 1, year 2012; and version 2, year 2014).
    • Academic Study (UPC, 2015).
    • Study on connecting the Trambaix and Trambesòs networks. Stage I (Barcelona City Council-MCRIT, 2016)  

Connecting the two tramways is Barcelona's most analysed public transport project.  


2. Maximum coherence with the planning in force, such as the Infrastructure Master Plan (PDI) of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (2011-2020), the Urban Mobility Plan (UMP) of Barcelona City Council (2013-2018) and the Mobility Master Plan of the ATM (2012-2018).


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